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What is the n00b-iest thing you ever done?


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we've all been n00bs at some point or another. let's share the stuff that can we laugh about now ;)


for me, when i'd started out i used to put stuff in my shop and price them according to the price on the little window that comes up when you click on it. i used to sit there and wonder why my 2500np jelly wasnt selling :P


what about you guys?


EDIT: oops sorry about the typo in the title thread :(

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I used to put items in my shop for the estimated price, but that was back in 2006 :P


In my period 2008-2009-2010 I think the stupidest thing I've done is pound pets that I'd like to keep :P

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My biggest noob moment was when I first joined, I was like 8 (this was 10 years ago) and you know how when you start, it seems like anything about 50k was a lot. Well I got an RE, and Dr. Sloth gave me a Krawk potion. I sold it for 30k. Of course, I was 8. That was a lot. My friends were jealous at least I was "rich". xD

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When I first joined Neo I was 8 or 9 ad I accidentally put a pb in m shop that was worth 100k(Random event) and put it for 10k by accident. Then hen someon bought and I realized what I did, I went and asked for it back, then reported him when he didn't respond. Dx


Now that I think back on it, I was like the biggest n00b ever... Dx

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My biggest n00b moment was actually fairly recently which makes it more embarrassing!


I came across a Krawk transmogrification potion...or something like that, I'm sure it was krawk...Anyhoo, I couldn't find it on SW - and didn't know how to use TP at the point, hadn't even occured to me that it was used for higher selling items! So I whacked it into my shop for 50k...it sold in about 3 hours, and I've never had the courage to check exactly how much I could have made for it...but I know it was much more than 50k!


Oops....I should have known better!

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mine beats all of yours. I was very lucky when I first started. When I was new I got 2 random events. One a draik transmogrification potion, the second the most expensive lab map. I thought they were useless so I put them in my shop for 1np each.

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mine beats all of yours. I was very lucky when I first started. When I was new I got 2 random events. One a draik transmogrification potion, the second the most expensive lab map. I thought they were useless so I put them in my shop for 1np each.



Ouch. That really....stinks. Alot. The n00biest thing I did wasn't bad. I just went on the PC, and instead of adopting out or trading my pet, (it was a custard bori), and was just like...here. Someone take this. And of course, now it's rotting on someone's side account. *sigh*. Nothing like what you were saying though Tyler. Ouch.

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oh, and I also thought the estimated price was what you were supposed to sell them for. I always wondered why a 96k Lil' Frankie would never sell :laughingsmiley:


I always hated that. The estimated worth was always misleading. I used to try to sell stuff in my shop that way when I was new too. It never sold.

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I don't think I made the common "pricing at est. value"... I remember the stupidest thing I've done was to fall for a phising scam. It was some link that took me to this "magical neoboard" where people were giving away paintbrushes. Obviously, when I clicked a title, it led me to a "login" page. This was something like 9 years ago, so they didn't have the precautions on the login screens they have now. :\


Luckily, my account had pretty worthless items because I was new, and besides, I realized it was a scam and immediately changed my password after 15 minutes. Go 12 year old me!

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Nice topic once again xD


Umm I can't really remember a lot, except that I followed the Est. price thing as well. And I once bought a Toy Sail Boat from a shop for 1 NP, thinking I had bought a reeaally expensive item for just 1 NP! And then it occured to me that that item might be for another user and that I 'stole' it, so I neomailed the user, going 'Oh my, I'm so sorry! Was it a mistake that it was only 1 NP? Or was it for a Neofriend or something?'. And the user just neomailed me back: Umm... no?


I never got that until I learned that they are actually worth 1 NP xD. So not much damage, but pretty embarrassing.


And my mom fell for a fake login page a few years ago.. that really sucked, because she had a fire Shoyru and some pretty expensive items.

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As with a lot of people, when I first started playing I used the "estimated value" thing to price my items. I also refused to buy anything from shops owned by players for some reason. I would always wait for the shops to restock to buy things, but I had no concept of "restocking" at that time.


I admit, for the first few years of playing I really had no idea what I was doing... It didn't help I kept switching accounts and not playing for weeks only to come back, etc. I figured it out eventually, though. >_>

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My biggest noob moment was when I first joined, I was like 8 (this was 10 years ago) and you know how when you start, it seems like anything about 50k was a lot. Well I got an RE, and Dr. Sloth gave me a Krawk potion. I sold it for 30k. Of course, I was 8. That was a lot. My friends were jealous at least I was "rich". xD

I thought this was bad.


My biggest n00b moment was actually fairly recently which makes it more embarrassing!


I came across a Krawk transmogrification potion...or something like that, I'm sure it was krawk...Anyhoo, I couldn't find it on SW - and didn't know how to use TP at the point, hadn't even occured to me that it was used for higher selling items! So I whacked it into my shop for 50k...it sold in about 3 hours, and I've never had the courage to check exactly how much I could have made for it...but I know it was much more than 50k!


Oops....I should have known better!

This was quite tragic.


mine beats all of yours. I was very lucky when I first started. When I was new I got 2 random events. One a draik transmogrification potion, the second the most expensive lab map. I thought they were useless so I put them in my shop for 1np each.

But this, this is just... I so sorry :(


EDIT: A Draik as well, not even Krawk, Draik! :crying:

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I'm relieved to see that I'm not the only one that made the "price items in shop by the est. price" mistake.

I pounded my first two pets (a Gelert and a Wocky) because I didn't like the names I picked for them. *sigh*

I bought a Luxury Bell and a Cherry Wish Stick because they were under the likes column in the default Gelert Pet Page.

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I was another unfortunate soul in the beginning - I won a paintbrush in a random event, and immediately put it into my shop for 500 nps. Of course it went quickly, and I was so excited that someone had bought my item that I messaged them....TWICE...to tell them how grateful I was for their help in my Neopets quest...LOL.

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I did that too! I would also obsessively feed and play with my pet cause I thought she'd get very hungry and upset If I didn't pamper her all the time... pathetic!

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I did that too! I would also obsessively feed and play with my pet cause I thought she'd get very hungry and upset If I didn't pamper her all the time... pathetic!


Hahah yeah me too. And I hadn't figured out the free omelette yet, so I kept buying food from the Food Store :P


I made like 100 NPs a day playing Kacheek Seek (and Meerca Chase) and then I'd have to spend it all on food hahaha.


Because of course I immediately had the maximum 4 Pets :P. Back in the day when you would just get a Magical Poogle Plushie from Poogle Solitaire...

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Hmm...I really can't think of anything that would beat anyone here xD When I first started neopets, my friend was there with me and she taught me the ropes ^^ She told me about the Shop Wizard, paint brushes, bank, and even gave me a nerkmid and that was the first thing I sold in my shop for 99,999 neopoints :)


*thinks* I guess that time when I begged for someone to accept of my offer of 400,000 and a few daily items for a Faerie Paint Brush a long time ago is something xD

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Oh wow *face palm* I feel really sorry for you guys, on the other hand I feel a lot better about my noob mistakes so thank you for that lol. I never did anything as bad as sell a paintbrush or lab map piece for ridiculously cheap (really just because I didn't get one in a random event for years) Luckily I didn’t have much money back then so I never spent much money on junk, but I did buy items that were completely worthless and simply took up space in my deposit box, Pickled Olives anyone? Curse you estimated price, curse you I say!

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My first couple days on neopets back in 2002 I sold a paintbrush for around 100nps.... I I know now it was not a good move o_O

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I feel that Paint Brushes and rare items were easier to get a few years ago. I've been lucky with the fruit machine and Key Quest, so that's why I already have 2 pbs now, but I remember getting a few random events that gave me a paint brush or something really expensive a few years ago.


Doesn't happen anymore :P

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