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Which Neopet species is the best


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I was having an argument with my brother earlier.. about how much i think buzzes are like disgusting insects, and i thought of asking you.. what species do you despise and what is yr fave?


my favourite species are acaras, xweetoks and shoyrus.


i reeeaaaalllyy dnt like buzzes, rukis, kyriis. the first two are insect-ish, and the kyrii has the this weird gaze i find disturbing lol.

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I don't mind buzzes (though I guess I'm a bit biased since I found a robo buzz in the pound who I still have), but they're not my favorites. I like Kaus (though i don't have one...) and Ixis and Aishas. And Draiks. of course. I don't really like Rukis or Chias (unless they're zapped into something cool). Too many (commentaries) in that post. *sigh*

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Well right off the bat, I'm a HUGE bird fan so I instantly liked the pteris, bruces, and lennies.


But aside from my bird weakness, I find xweetoks, zafaras, cybunnies, and gnorbus quite adorable :3


I honestly don't like grarrls, buzzes, or kyriis though...

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I'm a HUGE entomophobe, so I loathe buzzes. -.-;; Period.


But there's really not 'best' or 'worst' neopet imo. For me, it really depends on the colour the pet is in. I ADORE faerie xweetoks, but have you seen the mutant ones? T_T. I find cloud gnorbus cute while I personally don't like them in general. Grundos are bleh, but mallow ones are to die for.


The best would then be my dreamies and worst would be eh.. Can't really say. -.-;;

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Techos and Ogrins are my favorite. :) Definitely some of the most underrated pets ever. But I like others, like Hissis, Aishas, Wockies, Zafaras, and quite a few others, too.


Least favorite pets would be Chias and Jubjubs. Chias don't look good in ANY of their colors, except for the fruit and vegetable colors and Chocolate, and walking balls of fluff don't appeal to me at all. Plus, both are hard to customize with. I'm not too fond of Gnorbus, either, but I like quite a few Gnorbu characters (Mirsha Grelinek, Derlyn Fonnet, the Shenkuu Warrior Princess, the Wise Gnorbu, etc), so they get points there.

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I <3 Kacheeks, Bruces, and Cybunnies. They are so cute! I love the cute and fuzzy animals. I like almost all faerie species, but I don't like the insects and ones like Grarrl and Draik.

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The Cybunny is my absolute favorite. I also like Poogles, Gnorbu, of course Draiks and Krawks... there's lot's, including the popular ones like Eyrie, Uni, Shoyru, Elephante. Some that I don't like are Kyrii, Chia, Skeith, Buzz. I don't feel like going through the whole list.


I don't really like bugs/insects either, but Ruki's look like praying mantises, which I love. They're so cute when their young.

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I think Lupes and Kaus are the best. Chias would be my least favorite, just because they aren't a very imaginative creation-just blah.

Basic Chias look like colored potatoes. chia_yellow_baby.gif

See? potato with hair.

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I hate buzzes but I like faerie buzzes :D. I like poogles but I had their baby form, seriously what is the deal with that huge head :eh:. I can find something that I like in every species really :D.

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I love: Kougras, Lupes, Shoyrus and Lutari...


I dislike: All of the insect types, and reptiles...


I'm not particularly keen on many of the neopet types, although I also quite like Ixi's...

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I love: Kougras, Lupes, Shoyrus and Lutari...


I dislike: All of the insect types, and reptiles...


I'm not particularly keen on many of the neopet types, although I also quite like Ixi's...

You say you don't like reptiles when the Shoyru is a dragon? o.O

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I don't really have a favorite species, but I think the Royal Girl Uni is SO LOVELY :D and the Lost Desert Draik is pretty too. But honestly, I just don't like any of the Neopets I see way too often, like the Baby Xweetok. I see them everywhere! Yes, they are very cute and yes I did own one before xD... but I'm just so tired of seeing them all the time :(

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