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They are all males, I wouldn't have said "of the female's species" if they weren't. And IF they produce eggs, they will all be golds, yes, but there is always the chance that they'll produce nothing.

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Hm, I wonder if the '08 Christmas dragons can produce Christmas dragon eggs around Christmas too...


*gasp* I just realized! I haven't put up most of my new eggs! Silly me. :D

Ou5c.gif ee4n.gif F3Hg.gif B4Ln.gif


Thanks for putting them up on the viewing thread! ^_^

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Heh, remember how a few weeks ago I was begging my Golds to stop porducing golds for a week? Well, they finally listened. Last week, Arinia and Arane had those two gold eggs, I'm sure you remember as I complained that I managed to lose one... Anyways, all week, I haven't bred a single gold egg. Today, I breed Arinia and Arane andagain, get two waters... and then, the cycle of no-gold complete, Leine and Inence and then Glanaren and Raydien each have a gold. They're a little late, but my silly rabbit golds listened to me! :3 Oh, and these two eggs bring my total to 15. I have a Related Gold Army!

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Guest shanemk

H E L P! My orange dragon egg disappeared! I clicked it to see how it was doing but the dragcave site wouldn't load...it just stayed blank and mozilla kept saying "waitiing for dragcave.net" but my mint dragon is just fine. What happened? :(



Edit: its there again.....nvm I guess.

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Don't worry; it'll be alright. Your egg is still there; the image just won't load. Dragon Cave is being slow for me too; it takes forever for my dragons to load. All it means is that they won't be getting many views (I think) until the problem is worked out. But it's still there.

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Guest shanemk
Don't worry; it'll be alright. Your egg is still there; the image just won't load. Dragon Cave is being slow for me too; it takes forever for my dragons to load. All it means is that they won't be getting many views (I think) until the problem is worked out. But it's still there.

Ah ok thanks. I hate slow loads.

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Yup! An easy way to tell if they're rare or not on the abandoned area is to see how quickly they go. If they're still there after 4 or 5 refreshes, they're pretty common.


Oh, those are called Pebbles? I thought they were Earth dragons. Hm...

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Alright, well as I HAVE spent a lot of time in the abandoned area and had a chance to watch them, I'll tell you what I've noticed.


- The slowest to go are Pinks, Purples, White, Winters (pale blue with sparkles), and sometimes Mints (light green) and Earths (medium green) (or Pebbles)

- The ones that go quickly but aren't rare are Skywings (light blue with white swirls) and Splits (dark and light blue split down the middle)

- Blacks and Vines (dark green) tend to go fairly quickly because people are obsessed with the alt. lotto

- Orange and stone, in the event that they show up, don't move very quickly

- True rares, such as Dinos (white spots), chickens (really small), Golds, and Silvers, go really really quickly

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I was being nosy since birid's disappeared on me so I went looking for another guide and ran into this




my jaw just hit the floor and now I'm extremely anxious for the new releases! And on some they are taking apps so I may try a hand but a pixel that detailed will be hard >.<


Also for those missing the guide, I found this very helpful and more detailed::



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*stares at new sprites in amazement*




WOW! They look awesome! I'm really surprised they're making males for the purples and pinks, and... hey, chickens will be breedable now! *gasp*


*is amazed and slightly overwhelmed in her semi-sleep-deprived state*


*but still manages to think of a question*

So when they change to the new sprites, will all the dragons we have now change to those sprites too?

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From what I am reading throughout the forums (still sifting through all of the pages)

Also it seems that many of the females only will soon have male counterparts and theres a huge rumor that paper will be fully breedable (I don't have one so I'm not sure what that means)


It will be a mass site update, so once the new ones are released all will be changed.

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