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I can't predict when they'll be laid....


Yeah, Skywings are really common, but they're also very popular. Very pretty dragons.

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Alright, thanks. I was just curious because they always seem to disappear so quickly. But they're very pretty, so I guess that makes sense. (Really sorry I ask so many questions.)


Nah, questions are good. It's questions that've been asked and answered over and over that get annoying.


throws my name in the pot for a silver or gold if anyone is feeling so generous


I have a skywing, but I never really thought of it being rare. lol


Guess if someone really wants one I can get one for them. She's pretty good at getting me one or two

Hatchling will die if it doesn't grow up in: 1 day and 2 hours


:( He needs more views. I hope he grows soon.



Which one? lol


-insert filler text here to avoid getting a warning-


The system is geared towards the dragons surviving, right? Like, they're more likely to hatch if they have less time left? When I got the Earth dragon it only had 2d4h left and no cracks whatsoever. But it cracked and hatch within a day, whereas my others with more time take longer. Is that just how the system is set up?


Yeah. The less time there is, the more clicks and views do.


Man, gold and silver eggs are pretty hard to get.




Ooh, another dino egg o: Yay for times when less people are on!





Split, woo ;3 Those aren't as easy to get as I though they'd be xD


Nope, Splits go pretty fast. Anime says it's because Splits can only breed with Splits, so breeders are always looking to finish the pair.


I have a Silver to give away. But first, some generic rules that will always be in place when I give one away:


1. You can't have more than one Silver on your scroll.

2. First come, first serve. This means first to POST.

3. You must have AIM, MSN, or YIM. This is TONS safer.

4. I don't mind if you end up freezing it (though I doubt you will) but you must name it.

5. Please, don't trade it away....


That being said, who wants a Silver?


and, um brb


i would like it as well but i am full. i have gotten a bit of brain drain for new names and i am hunting for alts in the ap since all my blacks are female and all my vines hate my only vine boy.


ah man. I wish i could have posted earlier. YIM is yahoo instant messenger right? i have that, so for next time you have a silver or gold up for grabs :)


Aww, I'm sorry. =[ Well, I'm sure it's not the last silver Anime will breed! Hopefully you can get it next time.


Anime always has such luck with rare breeding... I wonder if you got a silver from her, if you'd have luck with them too. Maybe it's in their genes. :P


Wow, all of a sudden, the Candy Cane dragons from Chrsitmas can breed! Like thier predecessors, though, they'll only produce eggs of the female's species. It has, however, been proven that they are compatable with metallics.


Are all Christmas dragons males?


Which would lead to two other assumptions:

If they're all males, that means that they won't produce more Christmas dragons.

And also, if you breed them with say, a gold, and an egg is produced, it's guaranteed to be gold.



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