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rofl Genderless dragon ;~;

Now I need a name that works for either a boy or girl xD

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You give them the adopt link. They refresh it like crazy. You abandon. With any luck, they get it.


IM is the best way to relay the messages when you're abandoning, and if you got the egg. xP


OOOh, ooooh, oooh!!! I've got hatchlings!!! *bounces all over the board*


Consider the hatchlings clicked. :D

I'm really eager for mine to grow up so I can get another batch. (Again.)


~ Livvy


*wail* I bred my lovely newly grown Dorkface to one of my golds, got 2 Vine eggs. Abandoned both, thinking "Two people will get Dorkfaces now, yay!" and check on them again 10 min later to find one dead. It's just a Vine but it's a Dorkface too! There's no reason to kill the poor thing!


Aww, I'm sorry Anime! That was so cruel of them! :( Hopefully the next person to get one of your Dorkfaces will appreciate it more.


(How can you check on... Oh wait, I answered my own question.)


~ Livvy


*clicks on every egg or/and hatchling she sees* Now I just gotta figure out what I'm gonna name my babies :D


*clicks eggs and hatchies*

and now some news . . .


My paper grew up :)


I also got a new dragon on Dragon Adopters, and right now both of my dragons are lonely. i would appreciate clicks ^_^



*pokes anime* one of the hatchies on the dragon viewing thread just now turned into an adult :D


Oh! That reminds me! About the Viewing thread: I'm not complaining, but why are there only two dragons under my name? I have five hatchlings/eggs. (That would explain why those two have so many more views.)


EDIT: Thanks to Alice's amazingness, you don't need to answer the question anymore. Thank you Alice! *ahem* The dragons:



~ Livvy


Arinia and Arane has their first multi-gold breeding. Cameron caught the second one, safe and sund, but I missed it when he sent it back. It was no one's fault, it hppens. But I still want my twin golds on my scroll...


There's been a coding change to DC. Basically, before, it showed the remaining time. Then, when you picked it up from abandoned, you get +1 day because it's in the abandoned pile. Now, the 1 day has already been added to the abandoned, and what you see is the final time.


No, they don't, actually. It used to be that when you clicked an egg, you would get an extra day for it up to 7. It couldn't have more than 7 days though. So if you got an egg with 5d6h left, it would then have 6d6h left. If you got an egg with 6d6h left, it would go up to 7d left. Now they've just done it before the egg shows up. The extra hour is already tacked on, so all the eggs that used to show up with 6d_h left are now just 7d.


EDIT: The "No, they don't" was NOT a contradiction to you, Polemarch. My computer was being slow so your post appeared before mine.


~ Livvy


I know! I was amazed when I first saw the abandoned area empty. I was even more amazed when I refreshed and there were four gold eggs. So I clicked on one... and I got it! But I didn't have any empty egg slots, so I couldn't take it. =[


~ Livvy


i just got this egg from the AP... it only has 1 day and 22 hours left... spare a few click please?



hey, guys ( and gals). I was wandering if anybody is putting any of these for adoption soon and thankyou:-


*gold egg

*silver egg

*paper egg

*any dino eggs (spoted)

*chicken egg


cuz most of the time I go, the abandoned area is empty.


and thankyou


I had one extra question, if -for example- You want to give me your gold, how can it be done???

I had one extra question, if -for example- You want to give me your gold, how can it be done???


I asked that same question (the last part) a few posts back. Anime answered it:


You give them the adopt link. They refresh it like crazy. You abandon. With any luck, they get it.


~ Livvy


ooooh, thanks....and congrats with the super member thingy...Still trying to get it.


I really didn't think I'd ever have to say this, but while saying "It'd be nice to have a Silver." is fine, don't list eggs you want asking people to put "up for adoption'. That's so close to begging that I don't even wanna go there.


Anime, all your golds and silvers come from breeds, right? I just noticed your new gold and silver eggs. You always seem to have them, so I was curious.


~ Livvy

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