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i really can't get any rare eggs :crying: today (i got free slots for new eggs) i missed 1 gold, 4 silver, 1 paper, 1 paper hatchling and 1 green dino HATCHLING on the AP (i've never seen a dino hatchling before on the AP o_O)

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Well, since it's shy, Bashful could possibly work... and would be okay whatever gender it is. I gotta get me a shy egg once my current ones hatch.... they're too cute!

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Hm... *gasp!* I've got it! If it's a girl, I'll name it Shi ; if it's a guy, I'll name it Shane! (Or Shawn.) (All my dragons of the same type have to start with the same sound. Kinda weird, I know.)

Ha, okay! A shy egg looks like this:

They tend to go pretty slowly in the abandoned area, so you should be able to get one pretty easily. =]


(Note, that is NOT my egg above; I just took the picture from the abandoned area so you could see what it looks like.)


~ Livvy

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No problem!


*stares at Sky Turtle's and own eggs in attempt to will them into hatching*


@Anime: I think I knew they were called Mints and had forgotten... maybe... It rings a bell anyway. Thanks!


~ Livvy

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Ah, also, even though it's not linked, beacuse you're using an offical egg, it's still getting views. I'm removeing it since your point is made....


Really? 0_0 I had no idea... Thanks for informing me. :*


~ Livvy

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Alice, you are just excessively lucky today. =] Yay you!


*runs off with some of Alice's luck* :shiftyeyes_anim:


~ Livvy


*grabs luck as you run past and shakes you off*

Today has been lucky, though xD I guess not many people are on, if I can get those eggs xDD

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Tow dragons grew up, meaning 2 new matallic couples.


Water x Silver produced a refusal. :(


But Gold x Magi got me a Gold! And the Gold was the first born to her parents too. ^_^

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Just a couple comments I wanted to make about the FAQ. First, I think the question "My two dragons didn't produce any eggs. Will they ever produce any?" should be added. I've seen it asked a lot on DCF (not as much here), and I think it should be added. Secondly, I removed my egg guide per TJ09's request. However, I did find a similar one at dragcave.dreamhosters.com

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A chicken egg! : D

That's been my most wanted egg, after silver, for a while. Got it off the abandoned page, too.

CHICKEN egg???? Better watch out, or you may need to name the hatchling "Lunch"!!

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Haha, yea, there are some oddities among the dragons. As you've just seen, there are chickens (only female), dinos (no idea what gender, but I'm pretty sure they can't breed), and leetle trees. Yup, trees. I don't know why, but they're there around Christmas, and they're pretty cute as far as trees go. *shrug*


~ Livvy

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Before Dinos were only male but now they can be female to. Can't breed either way though.


I realized that there's a 4th type of DC player. It's mainly people of the other three who have been around a while and, while they're still a Saver/Breeder/Collector, they also help out other players by giving away eggs. I call them Benefactors.

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Really? Hm... *thinks back to what she read numerous posts ago... is still confused* Oh well! It's still really nice of you to give rares away! You have such luck in breeding them. Just wondering, how do you make sure they get to the right person? I'm pretty sure there's not a "trade" feature, is there?


~ Livvy

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