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Dragon Cave Discussion Thread


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No, clicks don't matter that much anymore since they used to be the randomness factor (I think). While they used to play a small role, their role has been reduced even more. You only need views and unique views. I just looked at your dragons, and they seem to be fine. Maybe a bit on the low side, but they should still hatch at around 3 days.

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An egg can hatch if it has no clicks at all, but views and unique views are a necessity. Clicks just sort of speed up the process, but if you have more clicks than unique views, your dragon will become sick. =/

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Erm, not really. Those count for clicks. What I mean is, you have your dragons in your signature. So every time someone looks at your signature, the dragons gain a view, and possibly a unique view, depending if that person has seen those dragons before. You don't need to do anything, except maybe post more. I've hatched a lot of dragons just by leaving them in my signature. No big need to get clicks.

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one thing.. since yesterday the DC fansite doesn't let me add any new dragons in the hatchery/daycare..

a weird message appears when i enter my scroll name and then it says

"You have no hatchlings to put in. Your entry has been removed automatically IF you were on the list."


is that happening to you too or it's just me? :(

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Erm, not really. Those count for clicks. What I mean is, you have your dragons in your signature. So every time someone looks at your signature, the dragons gain a view, and possibly a unique view, depending if that person has seen those dragons before. You don't need to do anything, except maybe post more. I've hatched a lot of dragons just by leaving them in my signature. No big need to get clicks.


So, wait, any time someone comes on this page it counts as a view? Or any time someone looks at the dragons themselves? *sigh* I'm confused....


~ Livvy

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He's not explaining quite right... When the image loads, it counts it. Given that images posted multiple times all load together, they only count once if they're up several times. Also (and I didn't know this till recently) each unique IP address gives one unique view per day.


And any fansite that pulls the eggs and hatclings from scrolls has been having trouble since yesterday. Should be cleared up soon, untill then use palces where you put the codes in manually, like Daily Fix.

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I think some of you ahve been saying you want rares....? As you know, mine seem to be breeding like freakin' rabbits, so next person to post who wants this lovely Silver I just bred (and who also has AIM or something, things go smoother if you can IM...) gets it.

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The IM abandoning process seems to work most of the time, assuming you don't have an explosion right at the time of abandoning. x_x


Anime and I have never had problems with it. ^_^

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Mine are going to die :evil:


Muhahahaha :S


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