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Dragon Cave Discussion Thread


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So how come vampire eggs exist? <br><br>If you found it at the cave than what is its description? <br><br>My split grew up and and I have 3 hatchlings, gonna go egg hunting <img src="http://www.tdnforums.com/public/style_emoticons/default/biggrin.gif" class="bbc_emoticon" alt=":D">.<br><br>EDIT: Froze my two hatchlings except the blue one *crosses fingers for female*.<br>

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They were origionally the 2008 Halloween dragon, but they only got the Bite option this past Halloween. They're not gonig to be in the cave ever again, though they do show up on the abandons regularly.

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Yup, it lived! ^_^ Yet another dragon saved from the perils of the AP. (I feel so bad for the one I let die while I was away and couldn't check on it... :crying: )


Yay Morgan! *applauds whichever Vamp bit successfully*

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Really? :O That makes the few pinks I have seem almost... valuable. I still don't like them because they're pink, but at least now they're... is "retro" the right word? No... Well, my mental thesaurus will kick in later.

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SS, your stone's really a geode. Nice grab! I think they look good.


CC, your geode has soft shell. Might want to hide it for a day so it gets better.


Congrats on your first hatchlings, Neotrinson!

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Another littl'un in need of some help.



2d3h. Please and thank you. =]



0d24h or 1d0h. Whichever you prefer.


And congrats on your first hatchies, Aidan.


EDIT: OMIGOSH! Omigosh omigosh! I got a Vamp! 0_0!


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Sweet! Nice breed! And that's nice of you to give it away. ^^



@Aidan. Dude. You seriously need to get your eggs up on a few fansites. Try Eggswillbedragons.com and Daily Dragon fix. Sotidragon isn't bad either. ^^

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See the little gold egg symbol in my siggy? Quite a while ago, Anime gifted me a Gold - my first gold, whom I named Albrecht Triplicate Granger. I promised her that in honor of her kindness, the first Gold he bred would be gifted to someone in the forums. Unfortunately, Albrecht seems to have Early Separation Syndrome, and refuses to breed. So my promise still stands, waiting to be fulfilled.

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There's only two hues of splits based on gender. Males get dark blue and females get light blue.


Today is a happy time in Dragon Cave. There were only seven abandoned dragon eggs this morning. I figure that's a good showing.


And here's another cheese egg for Ruto. 9aBT.gif


I also noticed something with my second vampire egg, since I picked it up so close to ER time. It shot up to over 7000 hits, higher than any other dragon of mine has ever had, in only a day. Usually, eggs seem to get sick from this sort of abuse or the hatchling comes out sick, but the sick signal hasn't popped up once on this booger. Is it because it's already dead, it can't get sick? Any clue?

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