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I gave in and picked a common from the front page xD




Ooh, bred my silver and got a silver ^^ First egg that silver's wanted to give me at all.



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I think I'm getting too many rares xD I do have a fair number of commons though; I know I have at least one of all the easier-to-get dragons.


*counts* I think I have 26 commons, 7 unbreedable rares, and 9 silvers/golds/valentine. None of those including frozen hatchlings, growing hatchlings, or eggs xD

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In response to your question eariler, Livvy, yeah it's fine. You can't possibly think all of them udner my name are mine.... xD because we get a fairly low number of views on the thread itself, it's safe to put abandons there to keep an eye on them.

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Okay, just making sure. Thanks! Yes, I knew they didn't all still belong to you, but I thought since you're a super-cool mod/DC guru you might have special privileges when it comes to posting eggs ;)


Oh! My Geode grew up! What pairing were we supposed to try? Geode x Pebble or Geode x Stone? I'll see if they're available to breed right now...


EDIT: Nope, they're not ready. Oh well. I'll try when the Stone or Pebble are ready.


EDIT: Picked up a new egg from the AP




EDIT: (Oi, does no one post here?) New bred egg.


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apperently we dont.

cool eggs, im wanting a frill myself, *glares at the 4 winged hachlings* i think they hate me. :sad01_anim:

but at lest other have the luck and shiny golds :cool:

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Yay, someone finally posted!


Oh goodness! The reason they won't grow up is because they've been getting too many views and are sick. Fog them so they'll get better and then grow up.


Shall I try to breed you a Frill when Freidrich is ready?


EDIT: Update please? Thanks! :D

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after my hachlings grow up that would be very kind of you. do they unfog when they turn into an adolt?


your winter egg is haching, your grey, pink, and frill have yet to gane wings, your sky wing has yet to crack, and your white is with wings.


*EDIT* your white grew up wile i was on its page!

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Once it says they're not sick anymore, you can unfog them, and then they should grow up pretty quickly after that.


Thanks for the update! :D Oh good, my white grew up! I should be unlocked now (I think.)


Okay, I'll do that for you when I can. =]

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Oh, I meant I'd breed a Frill for you when I can. =] Have you fogged your hatchlings yet? You don't want to leave them unfogged and sick for too long; they could die if they don't get well. They'll still grow as long as you unfog them before they run out of time.

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Okay, I'll be sure to let you know. =] A day is usually long enough, but sometimes they can be kind of stubborn about getting better, especially when they're close to hatching. That's how my Silver was.

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Three days is plenty of time; don't worry. They should get better pretty quickly. And if you're worried, you can always unfog them and re-fog them shortly after. If they're ready to grow up, they'll mature right after you unfog them.

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