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Oh, Albrecht should be ready to breed again! But I'm majorly scroll locked, so they'd be autoabandoned, so I wouldn't be able to make sure you got it. Sorry. =\ Probably tomorrow or Tuesday though. Is that okay?


Tuesday night would be bad tomarrow I will be insanely busy so Tues morn - mid afternoon?

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Number of eggs from breeding is random, but after the server change it's most likely that you'll get jsut one. 4 is still possible though- I got a 4 egg clutch eariler.


Oh, did I say? I traded a male gold hatchling (male overload x.x) for a Geode. ^_^

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I probably asked this before, and I'm really sorry if I have and just forgot, but if you breed, say, a Pebble and a Stone, and get three eggs, is it possible to have a Pebble, a Stone, and a Geode, or would it just be all Stone or all Pebble or something like that?

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It's possible to get a clutch like that, yes. Once I got a clutch with a Silver, a Vine, and 2 Alt Vines.


No, I found recently (and updated the FAQ to reflect) that StonexStone, PebblexPebble, and StonexStone works. I haven't found anything on it yet, but I think StonexGeode, Pebble xGeode, and GeodexGeode work too.

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Oh cool!


Actually, you can get Geodes from Pebbles (or Earth dragons, or whatever you desire to call them) as well.


EDIT: Rats, you answered before me, Anime. *mock disappointed snap*


Goodness, so many of my hatchlings aren't on the viewing thread! Here they are:

lHzX.gif PEHT.gif iCfV.gif 3Der.gif

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It's possible to get a clutch like that, yes. Once I got a clutch with a Silver, a Vine, and 2 Alt Vines.


No, I found recently (and updated the FAQ to reflect) that StonexStone, PebblexPebble, and StonexStone works. I haven't found anything on it yet, but I think StonexGeode, Pebble xGeode, and GeodexGeode work too.

I'm assuming you mean StonexPebble right?


I'll be willing to test the StonexGeode once my Geode hatches.

Though you might find out before then....

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I bred Albrecht and Tilly, but no egg. Are there some dragons that are more compatible, or is it just random? I mean, I know there are some that aren't compatible at all, but other than those?

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I'm waiting for one of mine to grow up so I can breed again.


Percival and Priscilla made a nice white egg for me. I'm going to let someone else get it, but can it still go on the viewing thread to make sure it grows up okay?


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My scroll was female-heavy for a while, but now I'm rather evened out xD Still a few more females than males though.


I think 19 females and 16 females.

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Really? I hear it's more common to be female-heavy. I think I'm pretty even right now. I think. I just got a lot of girls though, so I may be female-heavy now.


Well, I'm not too fond of Pinks/Purples so I always have more males. I should probably get two purples.


'Grats Will! ^-^

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