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Dragon Cave Discussion Thread


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Yeah, the secret got out and people kept getting their scrolls burned... wasn't pretty. So, both reasons.


There's a topic on the DC forums asking why people like golds, and of the 12 replys at the time of posting... 9 of them include "they're shiny" as a reason, plus one who said that everyone else summed it up. xD In fact, two have the ONLY reason as "they're shiny" xD

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There's a topic on the DC forums asking why people like golds, and of the 12 replys at the time of posting... 9 of them include "they're shiny" as a reason, plus one who said that everyone else summed it up. xD In fact, two have the ONLY reason as "they're shiny" xD


That's an odd reason. I would have thought the most popular reason would be something like "they're rare, so it's a status symbol" or something similar.

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It doesn't, it's more a personal choice. We, as society dictates, naturally think inbreeding is bad, so people avoid it. Others don't care.

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I finally got a Geode from my darling stones -dances so happy- Bred my Silver with the Grey to attempt to get a female..I'd rather have pure bred but at this rate I'll take what I can get lol


Now for a female split and my golds and I'm happy as hell (I don't even want to try on Paper)

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Oh, Albrecht should be ready to breed again! But I'm majorly scroll locked, so they'd be autoabandoned, so I wouldn't be able to make sure you got it. Sorry. =\ Probably tomorrow or Tuesday though. Is that okay?

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*sigh* My silver could grow up. But it won't. Therefore, I am scroll-locked; fun fun.



I've gotten two eggs from one breeding once xD All the other times I just received one egg.

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