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That's really strange @.@


On a side note, I got the egg for the last dino I need!




Then I felt like breeding my splits.




And now I'm scroll locked xD

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And actually, the Geodes that are TDN owned... One's from StonexStone, the other PebblexStone. Maybe they can ONLY be bred from them...


And tecnically yes, but the only ones that have been seen were glitches that either died or got fixed shortly after. And if you mean can you breed them, no.

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I think so, i thought i saw on a board once that someone had a sick egg, and a screenshot of it. but then later on it turned it's original black again before it hatched . . .

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No one knows for sure how to get a neglected dragon, except TJ. Otherwise, they'd have a whole bunch on their scroll.


I snagged a screenie of an egg that was supposedly a neglected one, but it didn't stay that way for long. :(





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I had a theory that an egg would have to hatch while sick. And if that's not possible, maybe when it's sick you force it out of it's egg by trying to kill it and you have a neglected hatchling.


@Livvy, I think that's how it was done a while back. I dunno for sure though.

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That egg has a sickness from more clicks than unique views, easily curable by getting more unique views and not as many clicks. The other sickness is having too many unique views, meaning your lil' dragon has enough to hatch, it just isn't in the right range yet; really nothing to do about that other than not posting it anywhere since it means your lil' dragon will go to the next stage fine.


Anime, your egg usually has to get soft-shell in the first place to be a neglected dragon, makes sense that the neglected status would disappear if the sickness does. Please feel free to show me solid facts and completely prove me wrong.

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Morgan's tried the first, but you van try the forcing ones.


And the time is different because that screenie was taken before the server change.


Um, Alice, they were talking about a species of hard-to-get dragons, not soft shell.

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If it was as simple as an egg having soft shell, you'd see eggs like that in the screenie all over the place. The one in the screenie was a glitch from an invalid refferer when there was a breeding ban on blacks and vines, yet someone got one to breed anyway, producing two eggs that were invalid refferers. A few minutes later, they turned into those eggs. Then about two minutes later, they went back to regular eggs.


You can't get a neglected egg just by making your egg sick.

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Actually, my theory is that neglected eggs don't exist, only the hatchlings do. I thought maybe when an egg is sick, if you try to kill it and you actually force the hatchling out of the egg, then the hatchling ends up being a neglected hatchling instead of the original hatchling.

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Ruto, if you had read my post more closely, you can see that I said a neglected egg usually has to have soft-shell first. Now, correct me if I'm wrong with a screenie of a neglected egg without soft-shell, but wouldn't curing the soft-shell also cure the neglected status?


And for future reference, that was a rather rude way to reply to my post. No need to chomp my head off, and then to not prove exactly what I said wrong.

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Well Alice, your statement is still just a theory. There haven't been any new neglected dragons or eggs since the glitch mentioned, so there would be no way to prove you right or wrong.


And I don't see how my post was rude in any way. I was simply stating facts.

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