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Nope. Alts are darker. *points at the one I just posted*


EDIT: ...ho.. holy... look at the lineage. See, about midway down in the 10th gen, the white/magi pair? They're Tasykin and Magicen. I just picked up an ALT VINE descendant of MY OWN DRAGONS. o.o

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Just look at that lineage... he's a 4th gen Alt, with Golds, Silvers, and another Alt Vine or two in there, PLUS the bonus of my best breeding pair (and the two pairs below them are mine as well).... Honestly, the odds of me grabbing it from the start were slim, but getting that lineage? Wow...

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Congratulations, livvy. :D I'm going to see if Stolina will care to breed a Geode, and then stalk the abandons if she refuses for too long. xD

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I don't see how that could be true, since a Geode is a rock dragon, not a fog dragon. Where did you hear this?


See, I was thinking the same thing. I saw it on the DC forums, and there were several people backing it. It's probably not true, but I just wanted to check.

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My guess is that people picked up a dark egg, assumed it was a Gray egg, and it turned out to be a Geode so they thought Geodes come from Gray Dragons. The eggs do look kinda the same if you don't look too closely.





Very satisfying day for DC :D

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Thank you so much for lending me your luck, Alice! I'm going to keep just a little bit of it, but you can have the rest of it back when you're unlocked. =]


I'm really happy now! I've got the two breedable rares, as well as one non-breedable rare. I'm more excited about the breedable ones though, because I can share the offspring.


EDIT: Again, can someone give me an update? (I don't need the stats, just what stage they're in and how far into that stage they are.) Thanks again!

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*hides* @_@ I'm a fountain? Scaaary thoughts.



Yep yep, Anime has the breeding luck ^w^ I've bred one silver, but my newest pair didn't even produce an egg.

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