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They gender. And I think Dinos can go either way now, but I need to look into that.


Oh yes, Mizuru grew up last night, and I can confirm that Valentines dragons CAN breed. I assume that they'll only produce thier species around Valentines though.

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I never knew there were ungendered species. I thought you could breed anything lol.


Woot! I got a female Valentine!


Silly Will. :P


Congrats on the V-day maturing! I'm pretty sure they're all going to be female, but I could be wrong.

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Yea. They may come back next year though, and Anime thinks they'll probably be able to breed their own kind around Valentine's Day. If you don't manage to pick one up next year, I can see if Veronica will breed a V-day for you. =]

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I'm just going to try and breed my Valentine one during the year, just in case. You never know. (Well, at least I don't)


It'd be cool if Pinks and Purples could have male genders. I wish they would let you organize your scroll though, that way I could put male and female dragons next to each other and everything.

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Haha, you're welcome. :D I got really bored the other day and started playing around with the controls, and happened to remember seeing that.


EDIT: Ooh, my Frill grew up. Do you still want me to try to nab one from the AP for you, Will?

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