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Neopets sizes


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I think from playing Pokemon so much, I got used to thinking of Neopets in scale to myself. While if you look at their height on some of their look-ups they are really small!

Example, I was looking at a Grarrl. When I think Grarrl I think taller then myself (I stand at 5'6"), while in Neopets the tallest I have ran across is about 3'5". I never thought of a Grarrl as an arm rest until now...

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I'd never thought of it like that..but yeah, I suppose I'd seen the Grarrl as taller than me, Kougra as about knee to waist height, Shoyru as fairly small, Lupe as large wolf size and Uni as about as large horse...etc

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I know, their heights always seemed wierd to me. o.O Like my pets. I've always expected my Techo to go up to my waist (at the very least; I'm around 5'4 btw) and my Ogrin to be. . . well, big enough to ride. xD According to their heights, my Techo isn't even two feet tall, and my Ogrin isn't much bigger.


Btw, I've seen a really tiny Mynci that weighed like 300 lbs. How is that even possible? :laughingsmiley:


Eh. They ARE pets, I guess, and pets aren't meant to be huge.

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Neopets have always been fairly large in my mind. My Aisha's antenna come up to just above my waist in my mind, and my Wocky is about twice the size of a basic cat. I've always thought of Bruces being basic penguin size, but chubbier, and Grarrls being at least two feet taller than me. (I'm 5'1, for size reference.) I had never really paid attention to the size thing.

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I always thought of my kougra up to my stomach (I'm 5'5) but he's less than 2 feet tall.My bori is only 1 foot tall (wow)my ogrin is just over 2 feet, and my Lenny is only 2 feet (thought they were as tall as ostriches)

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I always thought of my ixi as the size of a dog.


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