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Newbie Intro


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Hey Echo! ...Echo....cho....o... Sorry, I couldn't resist. :D Welcome to the TDNForums! I hope you enjoy your stay here. We're usually a friendly bunch, but there are a few rules you have to follow.


1. Read the rules. Follow the rules. Happy mods are awesome mods.

2. Feel free to ask if you have any questions whatsoever. That's what we're here for. =]

3. We're insane. Accept it. Join it. :evil:

4. Get active and stay active. It's sad when people disappear. =[

5. Be respectful and have fun!




My name is Livvy, by the way. I live under the snack table, which is positioned to your left. Feel free to visit it, and DO NOT eat the cookies. Oh, and watch out for my other half. Her name is Laura, and she bites. ;)

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Hi there!

Wow, just one post here and you've already attracted two FMs!

Anyway, my name's Will. Pleased to meet ya' ^_^

Welcome to TDNF. We're an interesting bunch haha, but we're cool. The mods are nice, so you don't have to be scared of them, just be sure to read the rules like Livvy said and don't break them too often and that'll keep you on their good side.

I hope to see you around here and posting a bit more often. It takes a bit to get to know everyone, but once you do, you can make some great friends here. I know from personal experience ;)

Anyway, obviously this is a good place to ask for Neopets help. Just browse around the forums and you'll find where to get it pretty easily. You can feel free to ask me too. I used to play (I quit after the last AC), but I still know the ropes, unless of course, it's outdated.

If you feel like chatting, go to the Random Chit Chat board. If you're looking to talk to someone, may I recommend the Hang Out and Post board? It's pinned right at the top of the page, you can't miss it. Sometimes the conversations there might get a bit out of control, being the nature of the board, but it usually makes sense.


Love the avatar by the way. It's spiffeh, spiffeh enough to get me to post! (If you look around this board, I don't post here. At all...okay, just not that often.) :P


Heh, this post is getting quite lengthly, so I'm going to stop talking now. Hope to see you around more often on the forum!

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Hi everyone. I'm EchoRhythm, but you can just call me Echo.

....What do I say now? Ummmm..SQUIRREL!


Why do I get the feeling we're going to get along quite well? -POkes the fact that you're first post contained the word squirrel- ^^

You might want to consider HAMS.


But anyway, welcome to the forums. I'm sure you've already been warned that we are basically the definition of insane. Saying we aren't random is like saying the pope isn't religous. xD


But anyway, as Lvvy said, it's a good idea to follow the rules and stay on the mods good side, seeing as alot of new people have been breaking the rules in their first 20 or so posts. xD


And btw, i'm Ryan or you can call me SS even if you wish. ^^

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Welcome to the forums...from the insertion of the word 'SQUIRRELS' I think there are several members of the forum that you'll get on very well with! But yeah, welcome and I hope you enjoy yourself.

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So many replies... :whaa: HAMS!

I feel so special. At least now that my panic attack died down and I got out from under the bed (The snack table to my left was taken).

Thanks guys! And as the Cheshire Cat said, "We're all mad here. I mad. Your mad."

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