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hi everyone


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I'm 20, from hong kong and i've been on neopets for about 4 years. I've stop playing for about 1 year but re-addicted to it again since the AOTA plot start. b)



I love listen to OLD SCHOOL rock/metal music, watch movies, play sports, like, rugby, cricket, hiking... (I dont think I am the typical asian that you see in western countries, like, getting high grade in college, shy, good at computer games..... lol )


Anyway, nice to meet you guys, look forward to know you guys and feel free to PM me and add me as your neofriends :)

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Hey Guinness! Welcome to the TDNForums! :D I hope you enjoy your stay here. We're usually a friendly bunch, but we do have a few rules you need to follow.


1. Read the rules. Follow the rules. Our mods are pretty cool people when they're happy.

2. Feel free to ask if you have any questions. That's what we're here for, after all. =]

3. We're slightly insane. Accept it. Join it. :evil:

4. Get active and stay active. Please don't just disappear. :(

5. Be respectful and have fun!




OH! I always forget to introduce myself; I'm sorry. My name is Livvy. I live under the snack table, which is positioned to your left. Feel free to visit it, and DO NOT eat the cookies. Oh, and watch out for my other half. Her name is Laura, and she bites. ;)

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Hey welcome to the forums! I'm Super Squirrel, SS, Ryan, whatever you wanna call em! I'm just about as random and insane as Aidan up there who already posted so i'm sorry if I try to kill you or just totally freak out while you're on. xD


I'm the leader of HAMS also if you're looking for an alliance. :whistle:


So yeah, if you need anything or have any questions i'm sure everyone here including me would be glad to help if you just drop us a PM or post on the HOP thread maybe. ^^

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