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He was trying to be the Meepit King, when this job is occupied by Tyler. He also thought that he was better than all of us, including the leaders whom found HAMS in the first place. With this, he was then known as an imposter, and he was denied membership.


We then went to war against his imposter clones, and he godmodded. He said that everytime we kill a clone, 2 appear in its place. And he constantly bent the rules into his direction, including "blowing up the universe* on his first move. With this, he was forced to forfeit, and HAMS earned it's first victory.


He is so far the only person to be denied of HAMS membership.


For more info on this, go to page 3.

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Aaaah...I see.


OMG RANDOM ANIMATION :O (Since Ryan hasn't shown this to my knowledge)




Bleh, the meepit one was a lot cooler but my computer froze up. It was over 200 layers x.x


Save it, re-upload it anywhere, whatever.

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You guys should remove the link to the Meepit invasion. It was last used six months ago.

Also, can I make a new Meepit signature. You can't really see the word HAMS, or the Historical Alliance of Meepits and Squirrels, becasue of the background(not because of a squirrel)

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Were you being sarcastic? It was hard to tell.

And I don't meen to be rude for this, but it could be sarcastic, or it could not be. It's hard to tell.

And if you are being sarcastic, the parrot will have powers to make others attack themselves.

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I don't think he was being sarcastic.


And if he was, there IS a differnece between eat and feast. Eat is simply eating. Feasting is to eat a lot, and to eat it quickly.


A parrot is fine.

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Yeah but no avatar is as epic as yours CAV. Only way yours would be better is if it was animated. Sorry, getting off topic now.


Name(Display name):alabamasax


Nickname(What we can call you):Skot


Are you a Meepit servant or Squirrel Minion?:Meepit Servant


You are locked in a cage with a very annoying person and a special device that can make any custom weapon for you that you want. What do you do?:Use the machine to create my Rod Of Meepit Awesomeness and then use the rod to decimate the annoying person and then escape the cage by using the annoying person's bones to pick the lock.


Ruto is on vacation and left her cheese supply defenseless. What do you do?:Feed all the cheese to CAV's dragon army in the hopes of turning them to my ways.

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Yeah but no avatar is as epic as yours CAV. Only way yours would be better is if it was animated. Sorry, getting off topic now.


I don't know if you can actually "get off topic" in HAMS unless one of the leaders says not to :P Any group created here is free to just hang out with their group ;)

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