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Here's my form!


Name(Display name): Neomysterion Prime


Nickname(What we can call you): The Plushie Ultimatum


Are you a Meepit servant or Squirrel Minion?: Meepit Servant


You are locked in a cage with a very annoying person and a special device that can make any custom weapon for you that you want. What do you do?: I would make a plasma cannon for my left arm, and blast the annoying person out of here.

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Name(Display name): Nom Nom Nom


Nickname(What we can call you): Nom (or anything else mildly related)


Are you a Meepit servant or Squirrel Minion?: Meepit Servant


You are locked in a cage with a very annoying person and a special device that can make any custom weapon for you that you want. What do you do?: I'd make a rope dart with double-sided sticky tape on, so I can use the whip to stick the tape onto them, hence peace and quiet so that we both hopefully get out alive :D


Ruto is on vacation and left her cheese supply defenseless. What do you do?: Sit with my back to the cheese and play Cellblock ... against myself xD

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Name(Display name):goldenlupe08


Nickname(What we can call you): Goldy, Jenna


Are you a Meepit servant or Squirrel Minion?: Meepit servant!


You are locked in a cage with a very annoying person and a special device that can make any custom weapon for you that you want. What do you do?: Make a super ultra bomb that only explodes what it hits, and throw it at the very annoying person, obviously :D


Ruto is on vacation and left her cheese supply defenseless. What do you do?: Sniff it for poison then eat it? xD

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Wooo :D


*blush* Why thank you! You always have to check for poison *nodnod*


Dudee, Tyler has a spinny chair? I'm jealous! *is currently laying on the floor*


Now i'm doubting. Can i be a squirrel servant? D: x_x

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I has spinny chair too! *spins also...* And I can't be there for the serebii invasion...I have a spam e-mail but it gets an email a second at this point so I'd have to did through about ten pages to find it.

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AWH! I need a spinny chair now.. But it's so far away.. Like ten steps... :sad02:

Whoawhoa.. Serebii? I love that site! And PsyPokes?



*waves* Hi, CAV! Hehe, I have promise, woo! :D


I wonder how late I can manage to stay up. I'm trying to get the Eliv avatar.. And i've got like 500 points. *checks* 439. Ughh.

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Woo! Free slurpies AND spinny chairs! Dude, this is quite amazingness.


Haha, I'm just going back and forth three tiles at a time, and I'm using the anagram solver from TDN's guide :whistle:


*explodedie* DANG ITTTT. I had a typo and lost my 600 points~!!!!! :grrr:

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Name(Display name): allrealelements


Nickname(What we can call you): I have many names, but I've been going by Manta lately ;)


Are you a Meepit servant or Squirrel Minion?: Squirrel Minion


You are locked in a cage with a very annoying person and a special device that can make any custom weapon for you that you want. What do you do?: Kill the person and take the device for my own. Then make weapons to break out of the cage. Next, I shall gain a small, but trustworthy following who I will arm with custom weapons as well. With my sword held high, I will take over the world with this trusted group! :D


Ruto is on vacation and left her cheese supply defenseless. What do you do?: Take the cheese and hold a cheese-sampling party....of DOOM! :O


Hope I'm accepted! :D

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