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Heh... just use the Dailies guide on TDN, most easy games are listed there.


Also I suggest investing in the Stock Market. At first, this costs a lot of NP, but it really pays off.


And just.. patience. Patience and hard work are the key. (and maybe some luck ;p)

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Games - Kass Basher, Meerca Chase, Bouncy Supreme, Turmac Roll...and possibly splat a sloth...plus any others which you are interested in. Take advantage of the 10 times thing going at the moment.


Selling things in your shop is always a good way to gain a rainy day find...but it does depend on what items you have. Haunting the money tree can get you some items, but I just tend to sell all freebies and hope for the best.


Always put money in your bank - the interest adds up over time.


The stock market and re-stocking work for some people but I've never been very good at them...


Neoquest can also be a slow but moderately decent way of gaining pocket money...and a trophy.


Hope that helps.

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Check out some of the contests too. I don't know if you have any talent drawing or anything, but both times I've won the picture competition I got pretty expensive brushes. I'd guess the other contests are the same way, when they say they win a "rare item" but I haven't entered any of the others yet.

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I hear that restocking is a very lucrative trade, capable of making you truly ludicrous quantities of NP. :yes: I suck at it though. xD

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Ah, literally the million dollar question eh! :D


Well you do need to know the different ways of making neopoints.. Either through the stock market, restocking and reselling, or by playing games. For me, I prefer the last since I possess neither the patience nor the time to do restocking... But if you want some long term investments, try the first. It takes time and you do need to check the market often for making the most profits, but in the long run, I think it's rather worth it. :D For stocking, you do need to have some knowledge on how much the commonly stocked items are so that you can snatch them up without rushing to the SW and risk not getting anything good. Sniping is a nice way of earning too but it's rare to make big money so yea..


Hope that helps a little XD.

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oh thats easy! i suggest buying lots of novas and putting them in your shop! also some christmas paint brushes! thats what i do! and play games all day! i do that too. i usually gain at least 30k a day if im not lazy! and with shop items sold, usually from 5k-15k a day! do that!

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The 10 times thing at games work great, you can get up to 10,000 points off of one game. Might I suggest Kass Basher, Wheel of Slime, SpaceRocketed, Adver-Video, Meerca Chase, and Hot Dog Hero.

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KeyQuest and restocking are my prime ways of making Neopoints. Both take a lot of practice to master, though.




^ That is an amazing restocking guide, the best I've ever come across.

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I restock (though semi-fail), though I have yet to see the results, cause everything I restock goes into my SDB for Packrat. Hopefully I'll have 322987045295 Million nps when I sell it all (yeah right). Games (10x esp) and KQ were the ways I built up. Invest in the Stock Market. You can make SO much money for doing nothing. All you do is wait. :D

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Stocks are amazing. Takes a long while till you get the hang of it, and you loose quite a bit of neopoints as the start due to bad investments (at least I did lol..) But now I can earn around 30k a day just in stocks, and it only takes 5 minutes (click on stocks, check if any are worth selling, check if any are worth buying, fin. lol).


Just remember to only buy stocks that are worth 15k, and current have a negative percentage. Then just wait :)

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