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The Forbidden Letter Game

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The lead-off post on the word game we play has the rules that control how we play.

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'If I died, what would happen?' Bob said, quivering in fear in his bed.

'I don't know, but we'd all miss you forever' I stated, barely keeping myself from crying. Bob had cancer, and we were not rich enough to go to the hospital for treatment. 'I wish we were with Uncle Fred, up in Canada. I hear they have free treatment there.' I sighed, remembering the time he got pneumonia, yet, because he lived in Canada, where treatment is free, he got to live.

I don't think it's fair how that, up in 'the Great North', as some of my friends call it, if you get seriously sick, you can still survive.

'Remember Aunt Betsy?' I asked, trembling in sadness. 'She got cancer, yet she died.'

'Remember her?' I asked again, not getting an answer.

I looked at Bob, whose eyes were closed. He was barely breathing, and I only could detect a faint heartbeat.

'Please don't die, Bob, please.'

I looked at my father, perhaps the last time ever alive.

And he said but two words:

'Goodbye, son'

Part two to follow.

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My dear sir, you should consider settling into a career in professional writing.

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Part Two:

"Where am I?" I heard, after such a nerve-racking time, from the man, dressed in white, semi-awake, in a bed.

"You" I said, with such happiness "are in the wonder of the Great North"

"But...how?" my father asked, remaining a bit dazed.

"Thank Fred. I phoned him, and he managed to get us free medicine at the much reduced cost of off-season air tickets. we got here just before you died. Thanks to the Canadian free medicine, you managed to survive!"

"What?" Bob asked, confused.

"Never mind. The thing that matters most is that you're not dead, and now, very much good. I think we deserve to stay in Canada, in case this ever happens again."

I went to the window, expecting to see the sun, or maybe some rain. Instead, I saw a tornado, speeding around at a super-speedy rate!

To be continued...

P.S. I'm considering a writing career.

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It's an interesting fact that the glyphs at this entry's beginning can create a smiley if reversed.

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Number 3

The wind was coming close to us so fast! I listened to an attendant shout:

"Hide!Go to the closet! Beneath the bed! Someplace safe."

But Bob, he was attached to the life-saving equipment.

"What do I do?" He asked, as people panicked. He stayed calm, like he didn't mind.

"I don't know. I guess we'll have to un-attach the equipment, and hope you live. It's good enough if you don't have to die, and have a chance to live"

I got the medical people to assist me in taking off the heavy machines. It took a lot of time, and we just got Bob in a closet in time. And we hoped with all of might to live.

Edition 4 to come.

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  • 2 weeks later...



It would appear that The Forbidden Letter Game can't keep going forever long without me. xD

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I could hear winds slowing down, and, hoping sunny days came back, I opened up my hiding place. I saw blankness, nobody, nowhere, or even no how. I realized we had been inside heavy winds, (called an eye), where hurricanes were slowed down, inside all windiness. I was scared. Blowing winds were coming all around me, and any way winds could come. I hopped back in my hiding place, in due course, before I blew away. I saw Bob, coughing and wheezing. I knew how he would finish:dead, in a few seconds. I prayed, and I prayed, knowing he would die. And he did. In mere seconds. He faded from life, and his final words were: I love Canada.

Five coming soon, by jumpingbeans, in Forbidden le__er game.

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Ah, it is indeed a great privilege to be assigned a vowel in the game of forbidden letters.

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As a matter of fact, it is the letter E that is the most common in the English language, and I find it a most enjoyable challenge.

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Part Five:

I cried, and I cried, when Bob died. Stuffed in a closet, with a horrible disease, and no life-supporting systems, he hadn't a chance. I didn't think anything could make me feel better. Then, I heard that the team Lost Desert won the cup at the very last second. That team was the team Bob and I were supporting since the very first cup.We didn't care if it didn't do the greatest, we were just fans forever. That loosened the pain a bit, but not much. I still cried, and cried, because the late Great Bob, who had played so many games he was level 20, could not witness the rise of the Lost Desert.

The End.

Anyone like my series, and want me to make another one?

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Hmm... it does look like the full results for the Cup continue to be unpublished, but nevertheless, I quite enjoyed dodging this letter.

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  • 3 weeks later...


You forgot the letter G, lol. Guess Hades wasn't the only one to mess up on that... :P though we corrected the post soon thereafter. :D

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