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The Forbidden Letter Game

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You just reminded me of the fact that the username I take on most of the time has a very interesting anagram.

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I should be doing schoolwork right now, but I choose to ignore that nagging feeling of guilt...at least until a girl parent approaches the end of the world because I like eating cheese do you like eating cheese? You should 'cause cheese is great, way better than chicken or tuna or broccoli or anything else you can think of but don't even get started about peas porridge in the pot nine days old that's just disgusting even disgustinger then sisters(no offense to sisters ,but they can be so annoying.Did anyone like the SOSAUA article I did last post it was Spectacular!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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You are a very impressive letter avoider my dear sir, a great paradigm of literacy for this topic.

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A highly targeted regimen of training must surely have been involved at some juncture.

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Q: This one will be easy, so it might be a while...

Once upon a time, there was a cat. But this cat wasn't any ordinary cat. He had double the amount of whiskers a normal cat has. Now, this might not seem very important to you, but to cats, the more whiskers, the better. It's like the althetic-liness of a human. Anyway, the whiskers were also magical. They granted him the ability to see in full darkness, while other cats need a bit of light to see. It also gave him teleportation powers, which are very useful when getting to faraway places, like China, where all cats like going. So he decided to go to China, and have some fun there. He teleported to the top of the Great Wall of China, then he when to the forbidden palace. If you don't know this, the palace isn't really forbidden. It's mostly a museum, and a place where,(I think twenty-four) emperors lived in the eighth dynasty or something. Getting bored of China, he decided to go to Mount Everest. He just stayed there for a few seconds to admire the view, then went off of it, because he was freezing. he was done his adventure of the day, so he went to his home to have a rest. There, his owner fed him butterscotch tea and cheese biscuits, his favorite snack, and he went to bed.

THE END :laughingsmiley:

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A pickle walked along the road until he met a fine young fellow named Groal. He thought that Groal had an odd name, but he didn't comment on it, for fear of angering the newfound rotund companion.

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Following said brushing of souls, Groal and our pickle became close friends via a fine hobby known as hobnobbing.

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After said hobnobbing, Groal and company frolicked among the lovely forests and ate flowers together in the lovely winter night. In the snow, as icicles grew on their feet.

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Fortunately, these icicles were perfectly harmless, and in fact possessed a great number of medicinal benefits.

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The icicles removed all mushroom cultivation from between their toes, and exfoliated their callouses quite nicely. "This is almost like a spa!" they exclaimed. "Only much, much colder!"

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At precisely that moment, the sun rose, illuminating a beautiful, gleaming white landscape lasting as far as the eye could see.

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The ice cream decided it did not like being eaten, and set out on a vengeful campaign of destruction!

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A: I will not continue on pickle stories, so I will commence my own.

"Help Me" cried the innocent soul of George, my best friend. I couldn't see him, but I could listen to him very loudly. I questioned"Where reside thee, George?" He responded with two words "Below you!" I quickly hopped up, noticing indeed George below my very feet. I mimed 'sorry', proceeding on my route to the Ice kingdom, home of Sir No-very-good. Sir Not-very-good, couldn't do everything right. His only un-strength included, together, pickles, cheese, onions, buns, lettuce, Or otherwise known like food served quickly. He detested it. Everything else he could perform perfectly. On my route to the Ice kingdom, I viewed lollipops trying to run from the turtles of the Fire kingdom. I needed food, so I decided to devour the lollipops.

The End

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C: I will never join Maraqua because I know that the Lost Desert will finish with first overall. We will pwn everybody, anywhere, anyhow. Beware world, we will pwn you, whether you like it or not. We will be the ultimate winners, sweeping everbody else. We will be awesome

*starts to boogie*

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Well, it's certainly interesting to see forum members supporting their respective teams so enthusiastically.

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Go LD! You can do it!

You will win. And you will Pwn it!

*starts discoing, LD way.*

Music starts playing.

Up, down, up down, down, up, backwards.... wait, that is odd....

Anyway, this story is about Dog, a dog who is in a group about lollipops, and saying that lollipops can kill dogs, which is horrifying. Dog didn't find loolipops good to start with, so Dog is in a group. I am crazy about lollipops, so I took out a loolipop and shot it at Dog, in his group. Dog's now not with us.

I am now finishing this story.

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If I could have one wish, it might be a dish

IF I would die, I would cry.

I really like cheese, more cheese please?

This isn't yet over-oh look, a clover.

Much more left to come, I'm still not done

That last rhyme was bad, it made me real sad.

Lollipops are bad, but they make me so glad.

Is this getting boring, and are you snoring.

There isn't plot, like the ones I have sought

Will you keep reading, even while bleeding?

Should I end now, or become a cow?

Are you still viewing, also while chewing.

This is so boring, so here's a story

Once upon a time, there was a rhyme.

It sounded so bad, and boy was I glad, that the people who're mad, can't reach me and my dad. Jello is good, and this is done now.


Lost Desert will pwn!!!

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That had so many G's in it O.o




Say want you want

Cause you know we're on top

this all that we know, this is all that you want

if you can't stand on your own, then speak up and let us know

tones will be modified

curtains will drop

who knew the top wouldn't be too pretty

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That had so many G's in it O.o




Say want you want

Cause you know we're on top

this all that we know, this is all that you want

if you can't stand on your own, then speak up and let us know

tones will be modified

curtains will drop

who knew the top wouldn't be too pretty

The way it works is, if someone makes a post that includes the forbidden letter, you're supposed to move on to the next letter in the alphabet! ( I didn't include the letter G in there, just for the record!) :P

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I disagree a bit. If someone makes a post containing the forbidden letter, you need to do a post not containing letter lastly posted., and vice versa.

So if I accidentally put my forbidden letter, you'd need to not include it. Got it? Good.

Anyone a Lost Desert fan?


(and, for records, I didn't include my forbidden letter)

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