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Is selling accounts illegal here?


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Ive been out of neopets for awhile. I was hoping to try and sell my account, or at least just my neopoints. I dont play anymore, as I said, but I did put alot of work into it and was hoping to get something back. I prefer paypal since its safer.


I have over 2 million neopoints in my bank and a pet painted ghost (has been tyrannian and halloween before)


Im sorry if this isnt allowed here, if its not, feel free to lock my thread, I just really want to get rid of my account for a little something back.

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It is illegal to sell or give your account away. It is against the Neopets terms of use.


Really? Awww that's kinda lame. I was only looking for like 10 bucks or something.


It sucks to put this much time into something and get nothing back :(


Im surprised you cant even give it away, that was my next option, but I have no friends that still play neo.

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Isn't even giving away an account against TOS? I'm not sure I could probably look..but I dont know...

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Yeah, TNT says you're not allowed to give away accounts either. There's a question about it every few weeks in the Editorial.


I personally think that's a bit silly, but I suppose the potential for abuse is there.

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If you really want to get rid of everything on your account, donate your neopoints and items to the Money tree, or give stuff to random people. Selling or giving away an account is against the rules, and will result in your account and the recipient's account being frozen.

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giving away an account is against the rules, and will result in your account and the recipient's account being frozen.

You probably don't really care if you give it away *lol* ^^

But you are right in the end. It is against the rules. Selling an account is not allowed.

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It is against Neopet rules to sell or giveaway your account. However, donating items and neopoints to another user is okay.


(Please remove my username, thanks! :)) Hey, TNT! *offers jelly* Recently, a friend of mine has been thinking of quitting Neopets, but doesn't want to just dump his account and Neopets. As such, he's offered to give the account to me for use as a side account. I don't mind taking over for him, but I am worried that it is against the rules and don't want to risk being frozen. So, is it against the rules? I would only use the Neopoints and items in his account on his Neopets, and I definitely wouldn't use the account as anything but a side. Thanks! ~username removed

It is against the rules to access any account except one that you made. This includes accepting an account from someone who is "quitting" (this is a common scam). In your case, even if you know the person in real life, you still cannot accept their account. It puts all of your accounts at risk, and is not allowed. They can donate or give you the items and their Neopets if they like, but no one else can ever have the actual account.


I took this straight from the Neopian Times editorial for this week

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Just a shout out: Neopoints, being part of Neopets, is under the copyright of the company that owns it as well as TNT itself. Nickelodeon is a business, and would not want people profiteering off its own copyrighted property...that said...such activities overlap with the Gold Farming business on most other mmorpg sites. But just keep a lid on it.

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Yeah, it is against the rules. Frankly, I think it should be because people could just abuse this, and have their own seperate accounts, and then just say that they sold it. Plus, why would you pay real money for virtual money? It takes the fun out of the game, doesn't it?

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Though it does make an interesting point. It would be interesting if premium members could sell their account back to Neopets/Viacom for a small amount of money depending on how many months they had been a premium member.

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