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Pound, Adopt or Trade Your Pets


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napnapi the Faerie Grundo


Up for trade!


Neomail me or send me a message on my profile.


Neomail me here: http://www.neopets.com/neomessages.phtml?type=send&recipient=iona_guild


EDIT: Traded.



Also, looking for a well named Maraquan Gelert, if you have one UFA please contact me.

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I ended up zapping a temporary lab pet into a Fire Blumaroo (also labbed a Fire petpet, luckily enough, that has now aged) on a side. I will be using my February transfer to send him to my main and get the avatar myself tomorrow, then he will be UFA March 1. His name is Henpha -- nm me (on my main, kaiko_kai) or PM me here if you want him. :)

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I have a Robot Koi UFT. I'm looking for other robot pets-Jetsam, Hissi, and Zafara preferred. PM me if interested, otherwise this Koi's a keeper :)


I think it's well named-my pet naming tendency is two words separated by an underline.

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Lumhil UFT. Only seeking robot shoyru, robot jetsam or robot ogrin. Maybe robot ixi..... Auto is a robot ogrin. NM me


Aww he's cute! If I had a Robot Ogrin I would trade ^_^ How long did it take for you to zap him into a marshmallow?

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I ended up zapping a temporary lab pet into a Fire Blumaroo (also labbed a Fire petpet, luckily enough, that has now aged) on a side. I will be using my February transfer to send him to my main and get the avatar myself tomorrow, then he will be UFA March 1. His name is Henpha -- nm me (on my main, kaiko_kai) or PM me here if you want him. :)

i would like that bloomaroo. ^_^


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Ahh! The image won't work. Ah well, she's a Spekled Skeith


Status: UFT

Contact: PM me on here, please

Other info: Just give her a nice home, whether it's for 1 day or 100 years. :)

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I have two pets, both of which I'm considering trading, for the right offer.


Bisto and Botis.


Bisto is a very famous and classic make of gravy established over 100 years ago that we English like to have on our roast dinners :P


And in demonology Botis is a Great President and Earl of Hell, commanding sixty legions of demons.


I may still keep them as Botis is an anagram of Bisto which I think is pretty cool :D But I will trade if the right offer comes along!

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Status: UFA

Contact: _black_labrador_ (neomail)

Other info: Not clothed, just as is! I picked him up from the pound and labbed him to electric, didn't want to put him straight back in the pound. Let me know if interested. He is on my side account, please don't neomail that account as I will not know you will have done it! I don't mind if you send him on to a new owner, but I would prefer to find him a place to be forever!


If I don't get any interest I will put him in the pound, as I am trying to free up room on my main account. :-(



Thanks for the interest, I have found a new owner for him!

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Euto the Blue Gnorbu


About 201,000 results (0.08 seconds)


Just seeing what kind of offers I get. :)


Oooh that's a good name I leiks it :D


Zannak the Plum Chia? ^_^

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Status: Up for Adoption.

Requirements: A nice person :)


Posting this again because though I had previous got an offer, I lost the username of the person =.=. I have a vague memory of the name + the account's pet and shop so if you are that person, please shoot me a neomail again, asap!


Otherwise, send me a PM on this site. If I can't find this person within a month, the shoryu is up for grabs! Well, you have to fit the requirements xD

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My wonderful Halloween Cybunny, Earose, is UFA or UFT.


I rescued her from the pound on my side account as a Striped Usul & courtesy of the lab ray on my main, she is now the lvl 12 Halloween Cybunny you see today.


I don't want to zap her again but I also don't want to just dump her in the pound if I can avoid it.


Let me know via NM if you are interested in adopting her, trading a pet for her, etc.



*Note: Background not included*


Currently on her way to her new home :)

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