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What would you change about Neopets?


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The title + description says it all! If you could change things (or just one thing) on Neopets, what would it be?


For me:


- No. more. Ads. or at least less annoying ones. I keep getting ads about my libido, how is that appropriate for Neopets?

- A more extensive Battle Dome. Maybe get exp through fighting like most RPGs.

- Make NQI and NQII more automatic. I have carpal tunnel syndrome and all that clicking is just killing my arms. So if you could just walk with the arrow keys or if your character would just keep on walking and only change direction when you click on a different one, that would be awesome.


What would you change and why? :)

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The title + description says it all! If you could change things (or just one thing) on Neopets, what would it be?


- A more extensive Battle Dome. Maybe get exp through fighting like most RPGs.

- Make NQI and NQII more automatic. I have carpal tunnel syndrome and all that clicking is just killing my arms. So if you could just walk with the arrow keys or if your character would just keep on walking and only change direction when you click on a different one, that would be awesome.


I agree with these, but did you know NeoQuest III will be in flash? Hopefully with that, our carpal tunnel will be cured.


Plus, I think Neopets should get rid of the NC mall. I like having backgrounds and everything, but the prices for it is ridiculous. Backgrounds cost two dollars! Neocash should cost MUCH less, or they should just get rid of the mall.

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I agree with these, but did you know NeoQuest III will be in flash? Hopefully with that, our carpal tunnel will be cured.


Plus, I think Neopets should get rid of the NC mall. I like having backgrounds and everything, but the prices for it is ridiculous. Backgrounds cost two dollars! Neocash should cost MUCH less, or they should just get rid of the mall.


Seriously? In flash? That'd be awesome. Hopefully you can save the game at any time though, because I get a lot of errors with flash :/. But that aside, great. I've finished NQII twice or maybe thrice (can't remember) now (on older accounts) and I just can't get myself to do the whole darn thing again.


Oh yes I totally agree on that one. The NC Mall is just lame. I get that Neopets is a business now and they want to make money etc. but I just feel like the NC Mall is cheating sometimes. For example, I don't have a credit card. It's pretty uncommon for 'normal' people to have credit cards in Holland. Thus I can't get NC (which is probably a good thing though), but people in America can. They CAN buy extra items. I just feel that this is an unfair advantage. And it's way overpriced as well. Neopets is supposed to be a FREE site and buying items with real money is not free, even if it's your own choice to buy it or not.


Heheh, sorry for that little rant :P

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Most of it has to do with NP customization. There needs to be some sort of icon that indicates if the clothing is wearable or not - like neohome 2.0 items. Secondly, they need to expand the customization for NPs. It's quite limited and... yeah... While they hit the jackpot with NC, there's still a vast majority of people who cannot access that.


Third, more backgrounds for painted pets. More chocolatey ones, spooky ones, faerie ones, more themed ones to go with pet day clothes, yeah... lol you catch my drift. They make a mad scientist korbat but no backgrounds to go with!? WHY!

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1. Transferring Neopoints, for moving and adopting Neopets, since you can't earn on side accounts.


2. Renaming. Years ago I adopted several pets and was stuck with their ridiculous names like whatever12312.



Most of it has to do with NP customization. There needs to be some sort of icon that indicates if the clothing is wearable or not - like neohome 2.0 items. Secondly, they need to expand the customization for NPs. It's quite limited and... yeah... While they hit the jackpot with NC, there's still a vast majority of people who cannot access that.
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I agree, there should be more backgrounds. But the customization thing is newish, so they're working on it I guess. I do think it's a great add though. Ever since I got on Neopets, I wondered why we couldn't put the clothes ON.


DEFINITELY renaming! Why didn't I think of that? ;p. I adopt pound pets to zap them etc. and sometimes they have names like (I'm not kidding) 1483792a. Seriously, who does that?

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I agree with the naming thing. If we could change the pets names, there would NEVER be amazing pets stuck in the pound because of their names. It would also free up a lot of space on the server because people wouldn't make pets with dumb names, pound them, and make new ones. People wouldn't have to make a million new pets if they could just adopt an old one and give it a new name.


As for the NC mall...eh. I don't mind the concept, but the execution is annoying. I'm getting tired of the NC mall invading everything. I'd like it to just be a place where you could buy customization stuff and Keyquest tokens.


And yes, the ads...so many ads! I don't mind a banner ad or a side bar, but these crazy ads before every game. But at least TNT realizes and embraces their ad-crazy ways. Haha...I laughed out loud at the Premium ad on the Tarla page.


Oh. I suppose I should have an original idea too. I wish that instead of adding a million new wearables, they would instead go through and make all the clothes they have already created wearable. There are TONS of clothes items that are pointless. Now that pets can wear clothes, they should re-do the old items so that they can be worn. I know, tons of work...but there's no reason to have tons of shirts that pets can wear.

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I know the issues with renaming pets, but it's the one thing I'd like to be changed the most about Neopets. And NC isn't unfair advantage for us Americans. I can buy NC cards extremely easily, but pay $2 - $5 in real money for neopets' clothes? Seriously? NC costs way too much money. :P

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Give us the option to unconvert neopets. ^_^ Because...I like the UC pets more, personally.

No. That should NEVER happen. Everybody will use it and the customization thing will go to waste and people would lose money. What I mean by that is TNT are people, they need money, just like everyone else

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Eh. Honestly, I don't LIKE the converted pets, but...it's time to move on. I'm considering these pets to be stepping stones on the way to good art that can also wear clothes. I'd like to see some diversified poses, instead of every pet being exactly the same but painted a different color. Hopefully this isn't the last time the art changes.


I'd really like to see some better customer service, honestly. Too many accounts get frozen unfairly.

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one really annoying thing relates to the training thing... Your level has to be any stat/2 or you can't train those stats! My pet's defence is 20 but my pet hp is 400 due to lab ray, if i want to train my pets defence, i got to level him up first to lvl 200 and then spend like 10 codestones to get to 21 defence... so yea i really dont like that

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1. A flash Neoquest sounds amazing, but since that's solved, no problem. Can't wait ;)


2. Less ads, OR less annoying ones. An ad for another kids' game or movie isn't as bad as a google ads for libido or getting a degree. And please no ads with sound! :/ They just kill when I'm listening to music along with playing.


3. And NC is way too expensive... I live in Poland so you can't buy the cards here, yet my younger sister keeps on nagging my dad for some. Ofc the fact that my sister nags is not Neopets' fault :D, but I think it's a bit dumb seeing kids usually don't earn money and spending 5 dollars on a pixel background isn't the cleverest thing to do.

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No. That should NEVER happen. Everybody will use it and the customization thing will go to waste and people would lose money. What I mean by that is TNT are people, they need money, just like everyone else


I meant only the pets that weren't automatically converted after the redraws, such as Plushie Koi and Faerie Xweetoks. So people won't be able to unconvert basic pets, and the customisation feature would still be used a lot. And there should be some kind of limit, of course. I only thought it would be nice to get my dream UC pet in an easier way. ;) And TNT wasn't really broke before the NC Mall, were they? xD

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Yes, customer service has always been an issue with Neopets. I'm way too worried about getting frozen because my mom and I both have an account and sometimes we use the same computer. I used to have multiple accounts (but didn't really use it for cheating or anything, like, I didn't send NPs or items to my accounts, I used them seperately) and all my accounts + her account got frozen. So she e-mailed Neopets because she hadn't done anything wrong, but they just said that they had to freeze every account on that IP address. How is that fair? *still mad about it...* Neopets is just way too addictive to stay away ;p


And the training-thing has to be changed as well. Because I really want to train my pet, but I'm not in the mood to pay 4 codestones to level up my strength, just because my HP's pretty high..

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  • 2 weeks later...

It would be great if they added a way to change names. It would REALLY empty the pound. It's way easier to just adopt a pet with a bad name change it instead of having to create a new pet. I don't really care about the NC because I would never pay so much money for a background.

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I like all the ideas you said but one thing i would add would be when your feeding him to actually show you feeding him and the petpet arena should be flash it's annoying just to keep clicking head shot shield or body shot and when to talk to the petpet actually se the petpet's reaction and not just some randomly selected words


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More than four pets per account! XD I know it's been four forever but I'm not sure WHY you're limited to four. I'd love to be able to have more than 20 pets[yes, I'm greedy and have a lot of dream pets].

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Ads are annoying. I mean that like some, if you don't watch it and accidentally hover over it, it like gets bigger and like covers like the top part of the page. And then some like refresh or something while playing a game and always seems to mess me up in a game.


NC is a bit annoying, especially with the prices being really high. It's too much for something not really worth it. It's just a bit too much.


And yes! I didn't know when I was younger that the limit was 4 and that did make me sad that I couldn't get more. At least 5 would make me happy? xP Idk...but a bit more than just 4.

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