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Plot step. Part 3


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This is probably the easist plot IMO.


Anyways :


Atlas of The Ancients : Chapter 5


Part 1 : Shiny Mechanical Faerie Fountain


Click on the statue expanding in pic number 4.


Part 2 : Build Your Own Flying Ship


On the last picture, a box will appear and it'll tell you to click it to save them. It'll take you to neopets new game : Cloud Raiders

Finish the game( 3 levels ) then send score. Note that your score must be atleast 1000 points(Thanks to heartbreak for telling me).

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I hope so too! It can't be last much longer, can it? When does the Gamemaster Challenge start? Or was only a one time thing?



Lucky on getting 1300 points. I don't think I've broken 300 yet LOL I blame my computer... yes... my computer

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This might be a facepalm question... but is there an easy way to get the ship to go down? lol

Up is no problem but I cannot get it to go down - ever.



well i would click just barely above the ship and drag down

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Finally! After 3 solid hours of screaming at the computer screen, I finally got the hang of the stupid game enough to get 1010 points before I died.


At least I am completely up to date on the plot so far, including the NC challenge.


Can't wait for the next step.


One thing, how much longer do we have to go on this? If we have done up till this point, we should have all the 'prizes' we can have (4), so what do we get later, and how much? I guess that is what we will find out...

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Guest galenhithwen

I am sort of confused, even when I'm going in a straight line and I don't have any breaks in the line i'm drawing? I get a game over, but the ship was still moving... any ideas on what I'm doing wrong? o_O

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to go upwards on the new ship game run a line at a 45 degree angle underneath the prow

if you want to go down run a line 45 degrees down or you can just left click above or below the front to nudge it up or down a bit, if you want it to stop and climb vertically or drop vertically do a straight line with a slight angle straight up the angle should push the boat in the direction you want to go / that would push a boat up and \ that would push a bout down, theres a bubble you can get when your near the cannons which will protect you from most damage, look it up on the instructions and look out for it ;) it will get you further a long


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