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Possible New Plot!

Jenny ^_^

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The latest editorial in the Neopian Times explains the meteor 'problem':


For a number of weeks now, I have been unable to visit the Meteor Crash Site and poke the illustrious meteor. I am always either greeted by a very hot meteor or an angry Grundo scientist. A friend of mine has been able to visit like normal. Why can't I? Please omit my name. Thanks! (: ~[username removed]

Odd... that's usually what you get if you are attempting to visit again too shortly after your last meteor poke, but judging from the amount of questions sent in about the issue there's obviously something that's gone wonky. Oh well, it gives us an excuse to badger the programmers now so that they don't get jealous of us prodding the artists. :)


This sounds quite promising though. :) I haven't really been knowledged enough in the past to know that a plot was... big. :P

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OMG! It's a Lutari on that! Anyone else thinking what I'm thinking?


That was my first thought exactly. I was thinking, "Oh man, oh man, oh man!! *jumping up and down* A lutar,i a lutari, a lutari!" Lol I really hope this isnt too good to be true ^^


Edit: Haha thats so awesome that TNT gave you a cookie lol. Wicked

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D: I think im the only one who doesn't want a plot atm lol


I'll most likely miss it thanks to mega huge deadlines for halloween TT____TT poopies

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i honestly hope this plot doesnt stink. Ive never gotten chance to ever actually partisipate in a plot, and i dont count altidor because its a ""open"" plot that and its been round for a while. so if this is a plot you can immagine how giddy i am XD

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Wow. Cool! I've been waiting for this! I never really got actively involved in a plot too!


I completed the Altador plot through TDN's guide, way after it's been released. And the meridell/dargian war plot, I didn't really know what was happening.


I wasn't even aware that some plots were huge, and others were mini ones. I probably have one of the most pathetic 8 year old neo account, lol.


Well anyway, I'm excited for this! ^_^

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Well I'm not so used to plots because I was too young to even know what a plot was lol, but now I want one!!! I hope this one is good, the last (good) one I remember was the fight between Pirates vs Maraquans... very intresting though.

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A (possible) new plot! Yeah!


At the time of the Tale of Woe Plot I was a newbie so I didn't even know it was a plot. I participated in the Lost Isle plot. I stopped playing Neopets at the time of the The Return of Sloth Plot and didn't resume playing until after the Petpet Park Plot so I missed those.

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Not bo put everyone to down but everyone is avoidong the fact that this could not be a plot. the newsletter said nothing that it's a plot! the news letter said :

The Journey Begins October 15th... see were it leads. this could just be a grand reopening f lutar island or something. Aldo it is liekly to be aplot a plot it can be something e

I hope it is a new plot though

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oooh shiny *drools* plot! :evo:


i hope its not a mini plot


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When I first read this I was away and I read it on a public computer that I didn't really trust so I couldn't log in and talk about it :P Now lets just say everyone within a 50m radius knows how excited I am!!!




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