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CGers are getting out of hand.


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This is getting ridiculous, to the point where there is almost absolutely no safety on Neopets. You can't do anything anymore without running the risk of getting a Cookie Grabber. I read on the BC forums that apparently someone posted about pounding a Draik, and people flocked to the pet's lookup. Apparently it was only a Lupe of some sort, the image had been changed to a Draik - and there was a CGer on the page.


I think TNT needs to do something about this. Peoples computers are being compromised, not just their neopet accounts. Their bank and credit card information, as well as a ton of other personal information is at risk.


Why doesn't TNT just disable java script on pages? Obviously, if that were to be disabled it would remove a lot of problems. They block everything else, don't they?


This is horrible. Its making me not want to browse Neopets, because its such a dangerous site now. I use my computer for a lot of delicate information and keep AVG running in the background 24/7; but these CGers have gotten out of control.


Is there anything that can be done to FORCE TNT to get their butts in gear and protect the players of Neopia?

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First of all, it's really sad that someone would want to do something like this...

TNT have been lazy lately, all they seem to care about is the NC mall and how to rake more money from it, which in my opinion is a completely useless feature on Neopets. In the meantime, not much we can do but complain I guess.

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Gosh.People who put up those cookie grabbers are so stupid.What is the point of stealing someones account on a site like NEOPETS? <_< Pretty much a children's site.


Can't force TNT to do anything really =/ Their so lazy unless it involves money these days.Guess we all just have to be really careful going onto lookups and shops and whatnot. :mellow:

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I don't even feel safe and I've been playing for 3 years :sad01_anim:


I think you already heard about what happened to me...I want my account back right away but they don't work on the weekends :(


I want both my neopoints and pets back :sad02:

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Yeah, this is becoming just plain stupid. I've been pushed to the extremes now. Probably the only reason I haven't been CGed yet ismy paranoia. I don't go anywhere but neomails and neoboards and even there i'm cautious about clicking anything. Sometimes I think Neo just isn't worth it.

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I love how when it came out and it was for teenagers/college students we didnt have these problems. And now thats its a CHILDRENS site (or so it sometimes feels) we have mad amounts of cgers .. ugh frustrating.


ITs so crappy you have to be afraid to view a lookup, a gallery, or A SHOP! (a shop!!!! seriously). One wrong click and BOOM you've just lots hundreds (if not thousands) of hours of time.


Those people really do need to get a life. And viacom needs to do something about it. Lets bring in the IRS/FBI/GOVERNMENT (lol) if we have to!!!!

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Javascript is blocked in all user input areas on Neo. The CG'ers are just finding new ways to bypass the filters - everytime there is an "outbreak" TNT have to work out how they got past the filter and then patch up the hole... thats why we hear a lot about CG'ers for a day or two, then it all dies down until the next filter hole is found. The people who write CG scripts are fuelled by the real money backing of the sites which sell the NP/items/pets that they take, when there is real life money involved people are motivated to go searching for all these holes.


In all fairness to TNT, they're much better at getting people's accounts back now. They've been returning more and more of them with all the NP and items replaced too which is something they've never done before.

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In all fairness to TNT, they're much better at getting people's accounts back now. They've been returning more and more of them with all the NP and items replaced too which is something they've never done before.


Wait :O *gets hopes up*


So there maybe MIGHT be a chance for accounts to get NP back?! Even if it's a lot...

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As far as I'm aware, yes there is a chance. The more you've lost the more likely they are to give it back too... a friend who was recently defrosted had over 100mil (her gallery items mostly) returned to her and I know several others in similar situations where things were returned. But then I also know people who haven't had things returned so I guess it depends on TNT judging a case-by-case basis.

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It really annoys me when people say that TNT is lazy/isn't doing anything. How do you know? Do you have a 'behind the scenes' look at what they do every day? I'm quite confident that they're searching & creating a fix, but like Izzy said, some CGers are two steps ahead.


It's risky, but don't do anything 'stupid' if you're aware of what is going on. Only go to places that you trust are 100% safe. If you see something that is too good to be true, it probably is.

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First of all, it's really sad that someone would want to do something like this...

TNT have been lazy lately, all they seem to care about is the NC mall and how to rake more money from it, which in my opinion is a completely useless feature on Neopets. In the meantime, not much we can do but complain I guess.


Its good to see they're restoring peoples accounts. Thats a relief, but they are eventually going to get tried of doing it over and over and they'll need to find a permanent fix for this.


As for money, I think so too. The fact that AdBlocker isn't blocking the "advetisement" spaces indicates that they're trying to force these advertisements on people. Its annoying, because I had to pay just to get rid of the stupid gray block sitting at the top of every page.


I've always said it: money is the root of all evil.


Even for a kid's site, too, I suppose. :T

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As far as I'm aware, yes there is a chance. The more you've lost the more likely they are to give it back too... a friend who was recently defrosted had over 100mil (her gallery items mostly) returned to her and I know several others in similar situations where things were returned. But then I also know people who haven't had things returned so I guess it depends on TNT judging a case-by-case basis.


Sooo...9 million might be returned 8D


Oh wow...you really brought hope back to me ^^


I already explained my situation to someone on tnt that asked what all i did that day and i did the form to reclaim my main so i might get both back!!!!


*happy dances*

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As for money, I think so too. The fact that AdBlocker isn't blocking the "advetisement" spaces indicates that they're trying to force these advertisements on people. Its annoying, because I had to pay just to get rid of the stupid gray block sitting at the top of every page.


I've always said it: money is the root of all evil.


Even for a kid's site, too, I suppose. :T


I haven't had that problem with Adblocker. Ever.


And you have to remember that Neopets is a VERY large website. They have to get revenue somehow. Would you rather pay for each feature on the site that you want to use?


I've seen people complain about this a lot. Yeah, Neo has a lot of ads. Yeah, they're annoying. But that's what keeps Neo free. And the NC Mall is to help pay for the massive bill they get, but no one said you had to buy something there.


I dunno, I just get tired of people complaining that TNT only cares about money. If that was true, then you wouldn't be seeing all of these new pet colors and site features that they add every day (minus weekends xK).


And as for the CG problem, I'd advise you to stay away from the neoboards if you can. That's where most people get CG'd when they are tricked into visting an infected lookup or shop.

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Not to offend anyone here, but it doesn't seem like many of the posters on this topic realise what the scale of the issue confronting TNT is. I'll sum it up as best I can.


HTTP cookies (and hence cookie grabbers) depend on web scripting languages to work. JavaScript is almost always the language used to create cookie grabbers. So, keeping JavaScript out of user-edited areas would seem like the logical way to protect Neopians from this kind of attack. Sounds simple, right? Well, it isn't.


The problem lies in the basic nature of JS: it's a client-side scripting language. This means that isn't run by Neopets' servers, but is instead executed by whatever web browser is being used to view the site.


The catch here? There are quite literally thousands of web browsers in existence, and they all have different implementations of JavaScript, and different ways of invoking it. On top of that, the Internet is a dynamic place. Browsers evolve over time, and their scripting implementations change with them. So blocking JavaScript? Not easy, even if you only decide to cater for recent versions of a select few major browsers.


That's not to say it's impossible - there are plenty of projects out there (forum scripts for example), many with teams made up of unpaid volunteers, that are doing a far better job than TNT at this. I'm just saying, it's harder than it sounds - I know I'd hate to try it. :P


The fact that AdBlocker isn't blocking the "advetisement" spaces indicates that they're trying to force these advertisements on people.

You're having problems with unblocked ad spaces? :ohno: Did you follow TDN's Ad Blocking guides? If so, please contact me with more details so I can close the net and squash those sneaky little critters. :evil:

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You're having problems with unblocked ad spaces? :ohno: Did you follow TDN's Ad Blocking guides? If so, please contact me with more details so I can close the net and squash those sneaky little critters. :evil:


Yeah. Turns out it progressed to my hubby's computer AND my mom's - when all of our computers were blocking ads COMPLETELY. Not they all have that block at the top as well as random "advertisement" text blocks scattered all over the site.




I made that topic there, trying to find a solution. I ended up just paying for Premium - which probably won't last long because I'm broke. :T


If you can find a solution for that, I'll be eternally grateful.



But, yeah, sorry for moving from the topic at hand. I didn't mean for this topic to necessarily bash TNT. I'm sure they have their hands full. But, I guess it just bothers me that I feel unsafe trying to enjoy a game I really like, with fear sitting in the back of my mind going, "When am I going to get CG'd and lose everything?"


Its kind of a bummer.

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Guest Severus Snape

Exactly, as AA said, JS is a client-side language, so blocking it would be literally impossible. YOU have to block if you wish (in your browser options), not TNT. ;)


Still, NoScript + Firefox is the best way to avoid cookie grabbers.


And another thing: I noticed that some said that CGers could compromise your bank information, etc... That is wrong. Cookie grabbers can ONLY, and I repeat, ONLY, steal the cookie from the site they are injected in. So if you're CGed on Neopets, it will only steal your Neopets cookie, not your bank cookie or TDN cookie. Just to make that point stand, it is very important as to not to mislead people into a false sense of insecurity (in this case).


@Tamara: That issue has been fixed by me, take a look here. It's not TNT that are forcing any kind of ads onto us, the Easylist.txt update took that line of code away from their list, so consequently, ads are blocked, but the space remains. All you have to do is add that line to your ad blocking rules. ;)


Also, if you see anyone on here trying to post a suspicious link (I found one on Friday) to Neopets or any other off-site link, please report it and our moderators will ban any offenders. Your security is at stake, and we consider it very important. Especially if things are too good to be true. Thanks.

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Exactly, as AA said, JS is a client-side language, so blocking it would be literally impossible. YOU have to block if you wish (in your browser options), not TNT. ;)


My apologies... like I mentioned before; I didn't mean this topic to be a bashing TNT fest. I'm just paranoid about getting my computer compromised in any way.


Still, NoScript + Firefox is the best way to avoid cookie grabbers.


I'll have to get that, for the sake of feeling better browsing the site. :T



And another thing: I noticed that some said that CGers could compromise your bank information, etc... That is wrong. Cookie grabbers can ONLY, and I repeat, ONLY, steal the cookie from the site they are injected in. So if you're CGed on Neopets, it will only steal your Neopets cookie, not your bank cookie or TDN cookie. Just to make that point stand, it is very important as to not to mislead people into a false sense of insecurity (in this case).


My ignorance. I read somewhere that they can read ALL the cookies that your browser stores.



@Tamara: That issue has been fixed by me, take a look here. It's not TNT that are forcing any kind of ads onto us, the Easylist.txt update took that line of code away from their list, so consequently, ads are blocked, but the space remains. All you have to do is add that line to your ad blocking rules. ;)


You rock! It worked! I gave you another little challenge, since it seems that EasyList removed another bit of blocking code and its allowing another annoying little advertisement bit to show up. I posted the css on the forum you linked me. Perhaps there is a solution to that one, and I can go back to having my advertisement-free Neopets! *will be a very happy panda...technically is already without the stupid gray box!*

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And another thing: I noticed that some said that CGers could compromise your bank information, etc... That is wrong. Cookie grabbers can ONLY, and I repeat, ONLY, steal the cookie from the site they are injected in. So if you're CGed on Neopets, it will only steal your Neopets cookie, not your bank cookie or TDN cookie. Just to make that point stand, it is very important as to not to mislead people into a false sense of insecurity (in this case).


I, for one, am very relieved to know that. I had also heard that if a CGer gets ahold of your Neopets information that they can also get into your entire computer. I'm glad to know that is not the case. :)


It really annoys me when people say that TNT is lazy/isn't doing anything. How do you know? Do you have a 'behind the scenes' look at what they do every day? I'm quite confident that they're searching & creating a fix, but like Izzy said, some CGers are two steps ahead.


I agree, I find it annoying when people start accusing TNT of being lazy. TNT does get on my nerves sometimes, but I'm sure that they are not lazy.


I've always said it: money is the root of all evil.


That's actually not true. Money itself is not evil. It's just an item. The love of money is evil. *ahem* Sorry, went a little :offtopic: there.

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Ya but you can't live in fear. Living in fear of CGers isnt really living at all ... your movements on neo will be severely restricted.. etc.


Im sure neo has a whole team set up for it, the problem is if someone really wants in the system they're going to get in, it might not be easy, but its never impossible. The best they can do is try to prevent it, and catch the ones that slip through (and the ones they miss, hopefully they can try and restore the victims account)

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hah if your worried about credit card information and such you'll be in for a real shock one day. There is probably companies in other countries that have every canadian and american credit card with all the info to use them not to mention all the passwords to all your accounts in their database. Its kinda like how every canadian's health care/medical information is stored in the States..not even in the same country. Now sure americans are very trustworthy*shifty eyes* but there are tons of stupids things like that which are completely unnecessary all over the place.


Nothing is safe online, neopets will never be because cg'ers and computer hackers are too many these days and they keep coming out with new things to steal your information. All online banking is only there for customer convenience but is one of the unsafest ways to access any of your information in the world.


And for neopets just making money on the nc mall and such well..They are owned by Nickelodeon now and it is always going to be about the money from this point on. I wouldn't be suprized if in the future that you can trade your purchased nc mall items in the game because that will make their profits shoot through the roof its basically unethical and a huge scam..but anyways


If the company doesn't do these things to make money how are they supposed to hire people to keep up with keeping the safety and monitoring the servers and keeping one step ahead of the game. It costs a lot to keep cg'ers and hackers at bay on a site like this which lets the user have so much freedom with how they make their neopets pages and keep everything they want unique and their own.


Neopets could stop all the cg'ers in 2 seconds by removing all of the features which make neopets the game it is today and since they wont we will deal with cg'ers for a long long long long time. Users will just have to be smart about what they are doing like..not going for a draik in the pound..does that ever happen, from what I see people transfer them to friends or move to side accounts or let a good owner adopt them. -These are just things that users will have to think twice about before clicking on-

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And another thing: I noticed that some said that CGers could compromise your bank information, etc... That is wrong. Cookie grabbers can ONLY, and I repeat, ONLY, steal the cookie from the site they are injected in. So if you're CGed on Neopets, it will only steal your Neopets cookie, not your bank cookie or TDN cookie. Just to make that point stand, it is very important as to not to mislead people into a false sense of insecurity (in this case).


Really? Good to know, I'd heard that they could get all of your info also. But now I'm curious -- when I lost my account in March, the thief clearly got into my email (as they not only had my PIN, but disassociated my email from Neo entirely, which requires being able to get into the email account in question as far as I can tell.) I had thought that I must have left my email logged in and that it must have therefore been CG'ed along with my Neo account, but now that I know it doesn't work like that I'm puzzled. o_O I didn't knowingly give out any info of course, and while my email password wasn't as strong as it should have been at the time, it wasn't in any way similar to my Neo one. Any thoughts on what might have happened? (I know there's probably a bazillion possibilities, I'm just curious. :P)

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Its good to see they're restoring peoples accounts. Thats a relief, but they are eventually going to get tried of doing it over and over and they'll need to find a permanent fix for this.


As for money, I think so too. The fact that AdBlocker isn't blocking the "advetisement" spaces indicates that they're trying to force these advertisements on people. Its annoying, because I had to pay just to get rid of the stupid gray block sitting at the top of every page.


I've always said it: money is the root of all evil.


Even for a kid's site, too, I suppose. :T


Especially in a recssion we have today...


But still, TNT is really grinding my gears. They are letting the CGers get to the accounts, but if a person makes one small mistake, THEY NEARLY FREEZE THEM! WHAT THE HECK!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?


EDIT: Woah, I got 100 posts in under a month...cooooooool.

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