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What colours have you painted your pets+petpets?

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I haven't painted any of my pets, but I'm planning to when I have enough np. However, I do zap my pets. I have a Snow Mynci, a Faerie Ruki, a Jelly Grundo (who is UFA) and a Grey Flotsam (who was adopted and already painted).

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painting? I`m usually more into morphing my pets, because it`s usually cheaper


the only paint brushes I`ve ever used are baby, darigan and royal because I don`t have to go through annoying people to buy them


otherwise, I like to use plushie morphing potions (it`s more like collecting them, but whatever xD)


I do zap my pets on 2 accounts, and I`m contemplating on getting lab rays on all my side accounts

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I think I once painted a pet fire on an old account, but other than that I never have. I'd like to paint my Uni sometime, though I'm not sure what color.


And this reminds me that I really should get to work on collecting those lap map pieces :P

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I haven't painted any pets so far, but I plan to paint my Cybunny Baby, and my future Poogle that I'm getting later this month Ghost.

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Well I'm very much into customization so almost all of my pets + petpets are painted,

but most of the pets are zapped or adopted post-paint. The ones I painted my self are:


  • Skunk Xweetok
  • White Xweetok
  • Starry Grundo
  • Cloud JubJub
  • Christmas Pteri
    As far as petpets go, I've pretty much painted all of them but it's too many to list.
    Basically all of my pets have matching petpets unless I like the original color.

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Painted my pet, Naalaro ghost in my previous account, it;s one of my fav colors. Now in my new account however, im thinking of painting my new pet white for a change of pace...im still deciding...

Oh that makes me so sad! Naalaro was such an amazing pet. Don't give up! You have to get your account back.

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I painted my Xweetok Sketch, which I then decided I hated. I painted him Brown after that realization. I then painted my Lutari blue to match his Lutra, which doesn't match at all, and I am also disappointed with! :( But I painted an Angelpuss Plushie for my sister - and love that one! Good luck to everyone in all of their painting endeavors!

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I've painted my shoyru Striped and another shoyru Desert. Both paint brushes I've received through a random event and it happens that both are my favourite colours for Shoyru! (:


I'm saving up for a Pirate paint brush now but its sooo expensive!

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i've got 2 pets. my first ones a xweetok with a gruslen and my second is a zafara with a symol. my xweetok and gruslen are both painted cloud and my zafara and symol are painted christmas. i'm very happy with how all of them look :D

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I painted my zafara Xmas yonks ago haha. And my kau went invisible on me b)

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I have a camo flotsam! I love the look and her name is Maractitel because her color reminds me of Maractite. I also have a christmas tonu named killerhorn999 that I found in the pound. If anyone would like him neomail my username superdupercoolppl. And my 3rd pet is a green skeith that I'm zapping with the labray.

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