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Wow, that's really sad. :(


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I love neopets, but can you think of the little kids, who work as hard as they possibly can on their accounts, and although it's highly unlikely, be targeted and have their accounts frozen? What if that was your kid? How would you feel? I think you're standing up for him, and although we're all entitled to our opinions, I don't think that your opinion is correct. ( Is that even possible not to have a correct opinion? :P) BUT he should be fined. At least that. And he will probably spend some time in jail for hacking. Oh, and btw, that is not him in the picture.

Most of the people targeted would be older, since their accounts are high profile.


No one is saying what the hacker did was not a bad thing, what we are trying to say is that you should calm down about it. When you get hacked, you either quit or you start over. Big whoop. It's an online game. For the people who had cash investments, hopefully they will be reimbursed.


You personally are not affected by it other than your gossip-mongering, so why blow it up so much?

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First, I would like to remind everyone that respect is first and foremost on this forum. I know this is a heated situation, people feel very strongly, but let's remember what is going on here and not bicker amongst ourselves too much. Let's also keep in mind that people are entitled to their opinions, and if their opinions anger you to the point that you cannot remain calm and respectful, than you are welcome to simply not visit this particular part of the forum. It is one topic in a vast many.


Also I would like to state that no real good can come of us confronting this person directly. That is a job for TNT and the authorities. Negative attention and combative behavior only provokes a person like this to continue doing what they are doing and jeopardizes the safety of your own account. The angrier you get and the more harshly you respond to a person like that, the more they love the attention and are steadfast to continue attacking people. Don't let fear and anger get the better of you. Keep things in perspective and don't lower yourself to their level, they will get their just deserts, but we aren't really in a position to administer those punishments.


@ Perow, I understand that you think people are overacting, and that you think we should, at the very least, acknowledge the skill involved in doing what this person has done. But people do work very hard on their accounts, and even though it is just a game, it could be up to 10+ years of effort someone spent on something they valued. Even if it's isn't a big deal in the grand scheme of things, surely you can acknowledge that if you spend 10+ years working on something, no matter what that thing was, you would be upset to have it stolen from you. So please try to be a little sympathetic/understanding.


We are always responsible for keeping our tempers and emotions in check, and attacking peoples intelligence or saying outlandishly hurtful things is not necessary or constructive in a debate setting. I would just hope that you and everyone else here would extend us all the same respect, sympathy, and level headedness that you you would ask of others.

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First, I would like to remind everyone that respect is first and foremost on this forum. I know this is a heated situation, people feel very strongly, but let's remember what is going on here and not bicker amongst ourselves too much. Let's also keep in mind that people are entitled to their opinions, and if their opinions anger you to the point that you cannot remain calm and respectful, than you are welcome to simply not visit this particular part of the forum. It is one topic in a vast many.


Also I would like to state that no real good can come of us confronting this person directly. That is a job for TNT and the authorities. Negative attention and combative behavior only provokes a person like this to continue doing what they are doing and jeopardizes the safety of your own account. The angrier you get and the more harshly you respond to a person like that, the more they love the attention and are steadfast to continue attacking people. Don't let fear and anger get the better of you. Keep things in perspective and don't lower yourself to their level, they will get their just deserts, but we aren't really in a position to administer those punishments.


@ Perow, I understand that you think people are overacting, and that you think we should, at the very least, acknowledge the skill involved in doing what this person has done. But people do work very hard on their accounts, and even though it is just a game, it could be up to 10+ years of effort someone spent on something they valued. Even if it's isn't a big deal in the grand scheme of things, surely you can acknowledge that if you spend 10+ years working on something, no matter what that thing was, you would be upset to have it stolen from you. So please try to be a little sympathetic/understanding.


We are always responsible for keeping our tempers and emotions in check, and attacking peoples intelligence or saying outlandishly hurtful things is not necessary or constructive in a debate setting. I would just hope that you and everyone else here would extend us all the same respect, sympathy, and level headedness that you you would ask of others.

While I agree with the general point you're trying to make, I want to clarify that it does not take admiration and respect to acknowledge that what some people do is great. "Terrible, yes. But great!", to say it with the words of a certain book's character.

On the other hand, I guess I should equally acknowledge the effort some people put into their account. As long as they don't go calling others anti-social.

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Yay for Munsterpoo ^^


Glad her account has been given back to her, I just hope that Cheesie dosen't inject another SQL into the system, and try this again. =/

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That doesn't look much like a 18 year old...

I agree with Tanooki. People on here are so obsessed (can you say addicted?) with Neopets that it troubles their rational thinking. It makes you look more sad than a teenager who's actually smart enough to figure this out by himself. Imagine the skill it'd take. I bet it's harder than feeding an omelette to your beloved Draik.


So...your argument is that it's irrational to be upset that people are having something they enjoy stolen from them, and that it's ok because the person who did it is very intelligent/skilled? o_O


I'll admit I'm a bit puzzled by people who have a "the sky is falling!!" reaction to this and act like the guy killed someone, but I'm equally puzzled by people who seem to feel that this guy has just done something clever and awesome instead of something nasty and mean-spirited. In my mind, what matters isn't "OMGZ teh Neopets akaunts!!" Yes, it's not real. Yes, life will go on. We get it. What bothers me is the sheer callousness, selfishness and disrespect for others it takes to do something like this. Whether you're selling the accounts or just doing it for the lulz of seeing Neo users running around like a poked beehive, at the end of the day you're still harming others for your own benefit. Just because you're stealing something from the accounts of faceless people on the interwebs instead of from the house of someone you know doesn't make it any less stealing. And that's *exactly* what it is no matter what anyone tries to call it -- sure, he may not be taking some "real" thing from them (though if the owners of the accounts made the choice to buy NC I would say there was a real financial loss), but he's taking less tangible things like: time spent, a hobby enjoyed, and a feeling of being able to be reasonably safe. I say "reasonably" because of course it's foolish to think one can be completely "safe" on the internet. But the people who are losing accounts here didn't greedily put themselves into the way of a scam or do something inordinately stupid. They just got targeted because they've put much of themselves, in terms of time and enjoyment, into a hobby. Lots of people invest lots of time and enjoyment into their hobby; why is it ok that these particular people are having their hobby ruined for them? Also, I would suggest that the loss of the intangible things is, in many ways, far worse than the loss of anything concrete. Think of it this way: say my car is stolen. Yeah, that would kinda suck financially, but I have insurance, I can get a new car; and in the meantime I can walk or get rides from friends, it's not the end of the world. But there are things that I can never recover: first, I may have an attachment to that particular car (if I took it on a special trip, or inherited it from a relative who passed away, or whatever); second, I can't get back the peace of mind I had before having the car stolen -- for years, maybe even for the rest of my life, every time I park my car I'll have the nagging fear that I will return to an empty parking spot. See what I'm saying? Just because you didn't lose something you need for survival or something you can't (physically) replace doesn't mean you haven't lost anything important. And while I might have eventually sold my car myself or had to junk it, that doesn't mean someone else has the right to just take it from me.


I'll try to stop rambling, I just find this kind of thing fascinating (if rather disturbing.) Though I'm pretty much constantly online, I very much subscribe to the theory that the more wired we are, the more we lose the ability to empathize with others; and the less we can empathize, the more examples of antisocial behavior like this will occur. Yes, this took fairly impressive skill. Yes, it's "not a big deal" in the grand scheme of things. But it still comes down to one person gaining money/enjoyment/whatever at the expense of others who did nothing except enjoy a hobby. And in my opinion, that's pretty sad and pathetic no matter how "impressive" it is.

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Wait, it was an SQL Injection? TNT should know better. SQL injections are one of the easiest ways to crack a database, and it's very simple to protect against AFAIK. In any case, I don't think we have to worry, since I'm sure TNT will find and patch the hole. (And if anyone here is from TNT, use Apps Hungarian.) So this is probably a one-time situation, and should never happen again.


And I'm really glad that accounts are beginning to be recovered. That's probably a relief to their owners.

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Well said, Onime. :yes:


And yeah, rookie mistake for TNT. I don't know what an SQL is, but you make it sound like TNT could have easily avoided this.

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So...your argument is that it's irrational to be upset that people are having something they enjoy stolen from them, and that it's ok because the person who did it is very intelligent/skilled? o_O

No, I'm saying that it's slightly irrational to condemn somebody to death or a life long in jail because of what happened in this case. And that it's even more irrational (you know, to the point where it gets funny) to do so because of what they're CAPABLE to do (as in: what they might possibly be doing in the future). As I mentioned before: that's about as crazy as locking every individual up because they are potential murderers.

I have nowhere said that I emphatize with whoever did this.

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No, I'm saying that it's slightly irrational to condemn somebody to death or a life long in jail because of what happened in this case. And that it's even more irrational (you know, to the point where it gets funny) to do so because of what they're CAPABLE to do (as in: what they might possibly be doing in the future). As I mentioned before: that's about as crazy as locking every individual up because they are potential murderers.

I have nowhere said that I emphatize with whoever did this.


Ah, I see. Yes, there I will entirely agree with you. Apologies that I misunderstood what you were getting at. ;) Though I will add that I have seen people defending those who damaged online accounts of various natures because "it was brilliant and they're not really hurting anyone, etc." in many areas of the internet I frequent, not just Neo; so while I initially responded to your post, most of my rambling was intended as a more general observation that Neo happens to be a particular aspect of. It certainly wasn't intended to be offensive, so apologies also if it came across that way; as I suspect I have made painfully obvious, I tend to have trouble making my thoughts concise, and sometimes my rambles don't come across the way I want. :P Again, I apologize for thinking you were defending the person responsible.

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No, I'm saying that it's slightly irrational to condemn somebody to death or a life long in jail because of what happened in this case. And that it's even more irrational (you know, to the point where it gets funny) to do so because of what they're CAPABLE to do (as in: what they might possibly be doing in the future). As I mentioned before: that's about as crazy as locking every individual up because they are potential murderers.

I have nowhere said that I emphatize with whoever did this.


I do agree that it's irrational for them to give him a death penalty or a life sentence, and I never said that he could be a potention murderer. =/ I said that's what to say that if he would hack neopets, what's to say that he won't hack a site that uses credit cards and things like that. I never said that he should be locked up because of the "possibility" of that.

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I saw a few people arguing on the last page... so just chill, people!


Back on topic...

Nice to see Munsterpoo unfrozen, though. :3

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Yeah, I do need to chill. I overreact a lot. :P Sorry if I sounded rude, I just got a little worked up. Schools out, no debate club, do the math. xD

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Lol, i'm going to my first Junior high year in two weeks. Do they have debate clubs at Junior high or is that a High school thing? I love to argue. :P

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Phew, I guess some of us got into a bit of an argument there. ^_^


Anywho, like Lion said;


Nice to see Munsterpoo unfrozen, though. :3



Lol, i'm going to my first Junior high year in two weeks. Do they have debate clubs at Junior high or is that a High school thing? I love to argue.


I think my middle school had a debate team. ^^


I don't really remember though, it's been a while. :graduated:


I think the only team/club I was in was 'the green team'


Heh. x3

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Okay, this thread is getting a little off-topic, and munsterpoo has been unfrozen, so thread closed.


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