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Ahhh...it happened...


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So after all the changing of passwords and PIN numbers...i somehow managed to get scammed, and got frozen.


sigh..first time for everything.


Ah well i hope i get my account back, i really should had done that inventory and information checklist sooner! i somehow KNEW this would be coming ever since i suspected myself to have been compromised when i bought that codestone for 200 NP and found out about the shop wizard scam T.T


Strangely, i feel only a quiet intensity to get my account back. No use for any emotion right now.

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Aww, I'm really sorry :(. I think TNT froze your account to stop someone getting into it...either that or the scammer froze your account. (I think I'll go with the former) Good luck getting your account back, TNT should unfreeze it eventually. Ugh, so many CGs around these days...

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Oh no! I'm really sorry to hear that it happened to you too. It doesn't seem to matter how much you try to protect your account, the scammers always seem to be one step ahead. Hopefully, TNT was quick enough to freeze it before any real damage was done.


Filling out the account access form can be a huge pain, especially if you haven't catalogued all of your account info recently. That was the worst part for me - being completely panicked while trying to remember what books my pet had read, recent trades, stocks, etc. Just try to be specific, since I believe there are some TNT staff that don't bother actually reading the forms, but just do automated matching to account information. Make sure you use actual item names (check jellyneo.net) for inventory/SDB/books/trades, not generalizations. Anything you don't remember, leave blank. Don't guess. Also, provide past emails tied to the account and the dates you changed them, if possible.


Don't expect a fast response from TNT right now. Due to the high volume of scammed accounts, it seems to take most people about a week to hear back from them. And, if you don't get your account back right away, don't give up! Fill in the form again (ask for help from a neofriend or TDN member - it makes it easier and less stressful).


Good luck getting your account back quickly!

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Oh no! I'm really sorry to hear that it happened to you too. It doesn't seem to matter how much you try to protect your account, the scammers always seem to be one step ahead. Hopefully, TNT was quick enough to freeze it before any real damage was done.


Filling out the account access form can be a huge pain, especially if you haven't catalogued all of your account info recently. That was the worst part for me - being completely panicked while trying to remember what books my pet had read, recent trades, stocks, etc. Just try to be specific, since I believe there are some TNT staff that don't bother actually reading the forms, but just do automated matching to account information. Make sure you use actual item names (check jellyneo.net) for inventory/SDB/books/trades, not generalizations. Anything you don't remember, leave blank. Don't guess. Also, provide past emails tied to the account and the dates you changed them, if possible.


Don't expect a fast response from TNT right now. Due to the high volume of scammed accounts, it seems to take most people about a week to hear back from them. And, if you don't get your account back right away, don't give up! Fill in the form again (ask for help from a neofriend or TDN member - it makes it easier and less stressful).


Good luck getting your account back quickly!


Ive sent in the form already, but just in case of that worst case scenario, i'll be taking your advice by heart. Thanks very much!

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Aw, I'm sorry.

Don't worry too much though, when this happened to me TNT just froze my account for two days. After I submitted my form I got my account back the next day. And believe me when I say I had noooo clue what books my pets had read, what was in my sdb, etc. I keep a record of it now though. It hasn't been updated for a while though. lol

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Oh! :( that's horrible.


There has been so many scams going around neopets lately, it's ridiculous.


TNT should realize the problem and give you your account back though.


I have had the same account for 6 years and i am scared to DEATH of something like that happening to me.

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Yeah maybe they just froze the account because they saw that the password and pins were bring changed hah. Cant be mad at them for being a little cautions when accounts looks like they are being taken over(stolen). I think you'll probably get it back in no time.

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  • 2 weeks later...

It's like a surge of freezing accounts. this is like the 3rd topic of them posted. I am terribly sorry and am sure you'll get your account back as I got mine back for a similar reason, well I think it was a TDNF link that did it, a scammer user sent me a PM and I think that's how I got hacked. So just have patience and I'm sure everthing will be fine :)

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  • 2 months later...

A Cookie Grabber (or something) got me a recently (I have no idea when) and they got into my account and so it's been frozen. It's been three days and they've already gotten rid of my favorite pet. I'm sure my NP's are gone and because I didnt have any interesting items there really is nothing to recover is there? I mean besides my 9 year old account. Anyone have any updates on their frozen acounts? I filled out the form and heard back from someone asking almost the same questions but havent heard back again. :(


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