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Introducing EggCave.com -- new from Bumpwire


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Hi everybody!


If you didn't know, The Daily Neopets is owned by its parent company Bumpwire (which is also owned by Ian, so don't worry). Recently, Bumpwire has been working on a new project called Egg Cave, where you can adopt an egg, watch it hatch, grow up, and evolve into more powerful creatures. You'll even be able to make friends and feed each others eggs! That's the basic idea, but there's much more to it. b)



Today, Bumpwire has announced that Egg Cave's limited beta will start on July 20 and 500 signups will be available. The site will be completely free too. Since The Daily Neopets is within Bumpwire's network of sites, we thought we'd give you guys a heads up on Egg Cave's limited beta (because we know that a ton of you loveee adoptables! :D).


Visit eggcave.com for some brief screenshots and the official countdown. :)




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Cool! Good luck on getting that site a big success! Might consider joining in :)


Xepha, it's also the birthday of my best friend :D

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Limited beta accounts are going to go SO FAST you have no idea... :P


It won't be funny how fast they'll go. Be online at 6:00 PM EDT when the site opens.

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Sadly enough I'll be traveling with my friend that day and won't have internet for at least 2 weeks, so I guess I'll miss it :P

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Yes, baby!


The beta is Right in the middle of the school holidays, where I will be able to be online! *punches fist into the air*

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An adoptables site from Ian... guaranteed to be majorly awesome! :D *marks date on calendar*

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