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Posting this not really as a rant, more of a question as to how far people are willing to go for their team.


Today on the Shenkuu board, a little argument happened between a few people regarding the board name. Then people started complaining about how they were playing through a lot of things.


Ie: Playing even though: they were sick, tired, needed to get other things done and all that. Basically, other more urgent things that actually affect their real-life health.


Question to TDN: How far have you gone for your team? Would you rather take a break, lie down and recover or play through more games knowing that your health will probably suffer?


That said, I hope none of our TDN members are sick/tired while playing in the AC. :( If you are, have a cookie and a hug from me.


Sorry if I'm considered rude for this; but those people are strange.


There is NO online game worth hurting yourself in real life for. Myself for example, I do play, I root for DC, but I keep in mind that I am a student and that includes going to school and doing homework. If I was home sick (with a flu or something) and I felt well enough to be on the computer I might play a couple rounds, but it is definately not worth loosing sleep/health over.


-end rant-


In general, I wouldn't play if I'm not feeling well.

I got an early night yesterday because I was about to collapse (this was before the AC), and I would have done the same if it had been an AC night. I won't force myself to stay up if I feel unwell, that's crazy. I'd only tell myself that I've to do better the next day, and what not.


Also, I'm not going to stop eating or to stop getting proper sleep. We are TEAM playing. That means other people can be on the front when I'm not :P


Thank you, Kyra and Xepha for your opinions. I agree with you both that it's best to take a break and rest when you're not feeling well instead of playing on. Like Xepha said, it's a TEAM effort. Just like in real team games, no one can take the weight of the full team.


:) Thanks for your thoughts.


And we'll be right back after these messages-- *shot* :laughingsmiley:


No offense to anyone but these are people who won't see a (wo)man until they're 25 ;) jk



People are passionate about the game, I guess. It's weird to me (and you) but some people do need to calm the heck down. If it gets to the point where you're injuring yourself for a game... yikes.


In my opinion, staying up later for the AC wouldn't help my team at all. If I was really tired but still playing Yooyuball, I'd probably sending 0-9 L scores by making own goals, rather than getting 9-0 W scores. Again, that's just my opinion.


Yeah, tempers were running a bit high over on the scoreboard, weren't they?


I personally would not play if I was ill, and once classes start on the 8th, I'll be putting that first. Anything else is just kind of silly, in my opinion. It's just a game.


@coaran: Whew, glad to see someone else on the board here. Yes, they were beginning to scare me. Playing peacekeeper isn't easy or effective. :(


Well, today, i was very determined to get lots of points, i cramped up my neck a little

but all it takes is a 30 min to and hour break, reading a book, jogging, or even just sleeping (in my case if you are homeschooled)

i sometimes go over the top, but never very far, never in my life have i had bloodshot eyes even though i played for ~7 hours today


I agree that a game should never take priority over your actual health. :yes: But I'm kinda hypocritical when it comes to that. xD I don't set priorities very well I guess...


But really, I say just do what you can for your team, allowing for whatever other commitments you have - that should be more than enough.


I know this is a little serious, but if these people are honestly pushing them selves like you mentioned they may actually have an addiction and may require help. I used to work with IT people and I have seen people get quite sick and need professional help with addictions to other online games ( those role playing ones)...


but around these part I have often found people exaggrate about how hard they push themselves to big note themselves


I often think people need some perspective , go outside, get some fresh air and sunshine and interact with someone in real life...


However as said earlier I think a lot of this may be simple one up man ship - ie I did more for the team and it cost me more personally than you....


And last night my right hand fell off , i learned to use the mouse with my foot, I quit my jobs, resfused to go to hospital with swine flu and I still managed to play 100 ss games.... what did you do *jj - actually my left hand fell off* :)


Yes, I would you rather take a break, lie down and recover or play through more games knowing that my health will probably suffer. Even a 10 minute rest will count. As to the question "How far have you gone for your team" , I played a lot yesterday night, however, I am those zombie type of people. (sleep very late, wake up somewhat early) and I am used to this.


YYB is just a game.


There is no need to stay up so late on the comp just to play.


Neo is a virtual game -- don't risk your health and well-being to play it.


So... I think that everyone should just take a break for 15 minutes. Go outside. Get some work done.


Like that Gmail add-on that when you click a button, you can't use Gmail for 15 minutes. :laughingsmiley:


Well, that's the first day of the AC done. I was one game of SS away from 160. :laughingsmiley: Though I didn't stay up or anything, just chilled out and played at my leisure. :D


Now, time for dailies and a break. :)


I think I've gone as far as playing all day, but that's about it. I just played 10 games even though it's around 3 AM for me, but my excuse is that there's a small thunderstorm and I wouldn't be able to sleep even if I tried (even though I shouldn't be using a computer during a thunderstorm, haha). :P I think that if someone is on Neopets playing and neglecting important things in their life like health, school, and work, they should perhaps reconsider their priorities. I can understand getting really into it, and I'm not insulting the people who do, but they should probably look at what's going to be more important down the road. Is the fact that their team on a website did well going to be more important than health, education, and income a year from now? I don't think so, but that's just me, haha.


It's generally agreed that your well-being comes before anything that will not directly affect your well-being. If you don't stop playing Yooyuball (or any of the other games), it does basically imply that you consider that game more important than [the rest of] your life, or, as it is put, 'Yooyuball is your life'.

On a barely connected note, I did see this rather frightening quote on an MMORPG once:


"It's 10 am and I didn't sleep"



It's generally agreed that your well-being comes before anything that will not directly affect your well-being. If you don't stop playing Yooyuball (or any of the other games), it does basically imply that you consider that game more important than [the rest of] your life, or, as it is put, 'Yooyuball is your life'.

On a barely connected note, I did see this rather frightening quote on an MMORPG once:


"It's 10 am and I didn't sleep"



Yeah, that is scary. Some people become so addicted they died because of playing the computer too long non-stop.


Doesn't really come close to the WoW guys. Those guys can go for three days straight planning raids and pwning people.


ANYWAY~ After a day of playing, I wonder how the extreme players go on after all that punishment to your hands. My wrists hurt from MSN and I'll be resting tomorrow. Cold compress or hot compress? :laughingsmiley:


Do they drink as much caffeine as they can then go nuts? o.O


LOL, people are so funny sometimes. Why get all worked up about the AC? I mean it's not like doing really well at AC games will save the world someday right?


So let's lighten the mood a little with one of my favorite quotes from Futurama: "Alright! It's Saturday night. I have no date, a 2-liter bottle of Shasta, and my all-Rush mix tape. Let's rock." Available for viewing here: http://www.comedycentral.com/videos/index....=space-invaders


It's hard to understand how someone can be so obsesed with a game!

But, If is not YYB, it would be Ogame, WoW, Linegae, and stuff like that. There's people who enjoy sitting all day in front of a computer...


I agree with what most people here have said; that no on-line game is worth playing so much that your everyday life suffers. I believe that those who do play for 12 hours straight or similar don't really think through the consequences of their actions (missed sleep, skipped lessons etc.).


wow. WOW. W-O-W!!! pplz r that obsessed with the AC? i NEVER go on the computer. this is the only time of year im on. and i play alot but i would never, NEVER. put my health conditions in risk for some pixles on computer screen, (but no doubt there are AWSOME pixles. ^_^






If I'm not feeling well I generally wouldn't go on the computer. I always put real life first, and since I've gotten the avatar already and the end prizes are probably going to be not-so-good, I'm not that bothered. Although it's an exciting event, I would never go that far.


I just don't see how some people could get so obsessed with Yooyuball. Losing sleep over it? :O


By the way, could anybody here be helpful enough to link me to the board where this started? It would make for some interesting report content. ;)

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