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Favorite Book or Book Series


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So what is everyone's favorite books series or book?

Mine personally is the Percy Jacksons and the Olympian Series by Rick Riordan. The writing is both creative and funny.

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Mmmm... I love Rick Riordan. I loved meeting him. He's so cool in person.



And the books are amazing. I still have to read the Last Olympian though. :( I need monies.


But however, my favorite series is The Keepers. <3



I love love love that series.

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I cannot think of the authors name, and I can't recall if it was an actual series. Anyway, the books usually had to do with teenage girls and they'd get leukemia and fall in love n stuff? Anyone know what I'm talking about? lol For some reason I think her last name started with an 'M'?


Another 'good' series from back in the day was Sweet Valley High 8D Pretty sure I've read all 150 of them LOL How embarrassing :D


But currently, I am addicted to the Sookie Stackhouse Series! Vampires, Witches, Ghouls, Faeries, Crimes, "Happy Adult Time" ;) GOOD STUFF!!

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My favorite book is The Last Unicorn by Peter S. Beagle. And no, it's not sappy fun time story. It's a small book, so anyone could pick it up and read it quickly in a couple of hours.

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The Olympian series are really good :yes:

But I'd have to say my favorite would be the Gatekeepers series by Anthony Horowitz, or the Midnighters series by Scott Westerfeld.

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I love a lot of books. Right now I'm reading Angels & Demons, and I've also been reading Percy Jackson & The Olympians series. Among my favorite books are Lord of the Rings, The Chronicles of Narnia, The Inharitance Cycle, basicly fantasy books.

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I'm really into Meg Cabot's Airhead series. There are only 2 books in it so far, the 3rd is supposed to come out next May. Such a long time to wait but they are so good! I pretty much love all her books but this series is definitely her best.

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Jane Austen books, like Pride & Prejudice and Persuasion.

I do have to say that I love the Harry Potter books. JK Rowling did a good job with those.

I've yet to read the seventh book though. Me and my lazy bum hasn't gotten around to it xD

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Glad to see some other Percy Jackson fans :D!


I have read the Last Olympian and it was amazing. Good luck to everyone else in getting it.

The Series of Unfortunate events is pretty good too (: So is Scott Westerfeld.

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Jane Austen books, like Pride & Prejudice and Persuasion.

I do have to say that I love the Harry Potter books. JK Rowling did a good job with those.

I've yet to read the seventh book though. Me and my lazy bum hasn't gotten around to it xD

Hahaha Pride and Prejudice

I quote Mark Twain:

"Every time I read 'Pride and Prejudice' I want to dig her (Jane Austen) up and beat her over the skull with her own shin-bone."

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As far as series go, my favourites are Discworld, Artemis Fowl, The Inheritance Cycle, and Gatekeepers. I do find it a bit hard to pick a single favourite book though...

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I read and like a lot of books, so it's hard to pick my favorite.


Right now it's Harry Potter, Percy Jackson (read the first, want to read the rest), Chronicles of Ancient Darkness series by Michelle Paver (read the first two, want to read the rest), and the Lion Boy trilogy by Zizou Corder.

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My all time favorite series are technically combined into one near the last 2-3 books.. I loved The Vampire Chronicles and The Mayfair Witches series by Anne Rice. :) I also enjoyed Mary Stewart's series about Merlin. Competing for first, although it's most likely second, are either the Mrs. Murphey murder mysteries series or the Sister Jane series by Rita Mae Brown. Read every single one of all the series I listed here, heh! Twas no easy feat!

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Hahaha Pride and Prejudice

I quote Mark Twain:

"Every time I read 'Pride and Prejudice' I want to dig her (Jane Austen) up and beat her over the skull with her own shin-bone."

Haha. XD Not a big fan of Jane Austen either.


The only book series I really liked was Harry Potter. LOTR, by fact, is not a series, but it's one of my favorites.

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Series I have collected and finished:

- A Series of Unfortunate Events

- Alex Rider

- the Dan Brown books

And probably more in my trunk that I haven't touched yet. :P


But I mostly enjoy everything I can read, as long as it's well-written. :D

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Oooh Percy Jackson was good. I heard that there was another book coming out/released, but I haven't read it yet. I should find it...


Heh, I'm a bookworm so I have several favorite book series.


- Artemis Fowl by Eoin Colfer

- The Bartimaeus Trilogy by Jonathan Stroud

- Animorphs by K.A. Applegate


I find fantasy very entertaining. :D


Edit: Ah! I realized the last post was over 21 days ago after I posted. My apologies.

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