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I was unsure about where to ask for suggestions, or rating applications and all here. I attempted a search to find out if someone has come by to ask for suggestion with their application, and it led me to "Anything & Everything Neopets", and since it is a Neopets thing, I suppose here will be the place.


Anyway, onward!


Basically, the rules are:


rules: http://www.neopets.com/~Leioda



And here's my application: http://www.neopets.com/~Keilrii


Go on. Bite at it :3



Edit: My resolution is 1280x800 and that's also while I was creating this application. I could use opinions from different resolutions if possible :]


I liked it. Simple, not too long (I like short apps!)


Thing I'd change... well it's not a big deal at all. When you say my main is ___ and my sides are ___, I would link them. Also, it might be important to say if the pet is going to stay on your main or on your side...


Good application. I would also suggest going onto your side accounts and feeding your pets so they are not crying, since your app is mostly about how you'll take great care of her and it looks... funny.. that all your pets other pets are bawling their eyes out.

I liked it. Simple, not too long (I like short apps!)


Thing I'd change... well it's not a big deal at all. When you say my main is ___ and my sides are ___, I would link them. Also, it might be important to say if the pet is going to stay on your main or on your side...

Still a good idea, so thanks :]


Good application. I would also suggest going onto your side accounts and feeding your pets so they are not crying, since your app is mostly about how you'll take great care of her and it looks... funny.. that all your pets other pets are bawling their eyes out.

LOL I haven't thought of that, but that would be a very good idea.


I love your application layout. :O

It's simple, yet effective. :)

Good luck on getting Symbella! ^_^


PS: You seem to read my mind. xD

I was going to ask for suggestions on my application on TDN, too.

Just because I trust the people on TDN more, lol. :wub_anim:


I sure like it. :D The design is easy on the eyes and the app is short and sweet and to the point.


Good luck getting her! Faerie Xwees are so pretty in their UC form. :O


I love your application ;)

The design is easy to look at, and the app is sweet but easy to read.

I hope you get her Tiffany ^^!

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