shell Posted May 12, 2009 Posted May 12, 2009 I really want to know how to get the different colored belts. Do you think it would be possible to post a preliminary guide that might not necessarily cover everything, but just the basics like what to do to get the different belt levels? Btw, I just joined today so I'm sorry if I'm posting wrong/in the wrong place. I have read all the guides and FAQs and this seemed best, but I'm sorry if it's wrong!
Xepha Posted May 12, 2009 Posted May 12, 2009 We will be working on a Top Chop guide shortly. I'm not so good at the game and I can't unlock wearables past the green belt.
shell Posted May 12, 2009 Author Posted May 12, 2009 Well, for some reason I can't even unlock white belt :P Is there a white belt?
Lia Seeya Posted May 12, 2009 Posted May 12, 2009 To answer, yes, there is a white belt. A whole outfit of white, in fact. :) Most of us got it when the game first came out.
Izzy ♥ Posted May 12, 2009 Posted May 12, 2009 Like V, I can't get anything after the green belt lol From a quick scan of the Neoboards I think the white outfit is awarded for the first score you send, and the white belt is awarded for the first time you reach the Imperial Guard Dojo and send your score... green belt is similar but for reaching the Emperor's Grand Hall. I have no idea about the red belt and the black outfit - some mention for when you finish the game but others say they finished it with no other belts *shrugs*
Captain Awesome Pants Posted May 12, 2009 Posted May 12, 2009 I think we discussed this two live chats back. And then we discussed how the guide would have to simply explain how to push the space bar. XD But I think it would be nice to at least have a confirmed list (if anyone can get it lol) of what is awarded when.
Shadaw the Rampage Posted May 23, 2009 Posted May 23, 2009 perhaps another way of looking at this game is like kurbys mega ton punch game on the super nes. basically your aiming for the middle yes, but you sometimes have to wait for it to get there. i know that sounds off topic but there basically the EXACT same game in principle. i love the game you have no arguements from me im just saying perhaps the guide for kurbys megaton punch can be of use when it comes to this game. i found a guide for kirbys megaton punch but i wont post it right now. basically the jist of what it says for the game is, "sit close to the screen, and wait for the proper timeing" this relates to the game top chop in the sense that the easyer it is to see the target your aiming for the easyer it is to hit. i guess i dont really have much to contribute to the subject sorry.
Hole in the Wall Posted May 24, 2009 Posted May 24, 2009 This game is driving me crazy, actuallyXD. I got the green belt and have made it to the second part of the Emperor's Grand Hall, but I've been stuck there for a while now. However, it has helped me to wait until both the green bar and the line move to either the very top or the bottom of the gauge, as it seems easier to match them up when they are in those areas, so that may be worth a try for you as well:).
Xepha Posted May 24, 2009 Posted May 24, 2009 Well this guide is still on our to do list. Topic resolved. This topic has been edited by a member of staff (Xepha). The original topic had been answered. Please check your user inbox to see if you have been contacted regarding this topic. Per the reason above, this topic has been LOCKED. Please contact Xepha if you have any questions regarding this action.
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