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Well it tells us to go to a page that does not exist anymore. I would love to borrow this item, I never saw it before. Is it still available?

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The ALP doesn't have the BGC available for lending right now. :( You might want to check the neoboards and see if anyone could lend it to you, though it's highly unlikely. It's uber expensive, but you'll get more results there than you probably would here. =/

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The trick is getting lucky enough to find a brand new lending board and post quickly but politely, so as not to seem like an overeager borrow-happy user. ^_^ That's what happened with me and the ZDAP.


Either that or refresh on the boards at peak hours. :D Either way, I hope there's a BGC available soon. ^^

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Tivsy, ZDAP is not BGC. XD BGC is ten times the value of ZDAP. And I don't trust lending boards that much anymore. There's the possibility of scammers and your account being over-looked for some reason because they don't deem you trustworthy with the quality of your account. >_> I've been lent more times by making my own board and stating my collat and borrowing history.

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Just saying, Coco~ :P You never know with some people who just lend their BGC for free. :D Now something that would truly shock me that if someone lent it for free? MSPP. Hands down.


I won't touch a lending board with over 300 replies. Just a matter of time before the board explodes.

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BCG stands for Bony Grarrl Club.


As for TDN's item lend, I guess it was on Jerrypteri's account. :(


But as the other's have already said, you might find a generous donor sometime. Its hard to trust some people but that's the thing with boards. :/

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Is this on the list of future buys for the ALP? I understand it's insanely expensive and all but I was just curious. :D Anyone know what the next item to buy is on the list? :O

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Wasn't the morphing potion the next item?


Or maybe I'm confusing it with the pet lending...


I've been hoping for a RE where a BGC falls into my lap as I don't see myself ever having that much NP...

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The ALP was lending BGC before? Aww.. D: It's so hard to find lenders on the boards. My friend has a one-month old account and got lent for free so I haven't lost all hope yet. XD

Yep we were... some idiot FED it to his Grarrl though, rather than equiping it >_<


It was on our to-buy list when Jerrypteri was frozen, we had about 12 mil towards it at the time. The thing was inflating more than we were saving though! They're around 40-60mil thesedays.


Just saying, Coco~ :P You never know with some people who just lend their BGC for free. :D Now something that would truly shock me that if someone lent it for free? MSPP. Hands down.

I know several people who lend BGC for free, its definately possible ;) Sorry I won't be posting names though... just hang out on the boards!


And, er... *was lent MSPP for free*


Is this on the list of future buys for the ALP? I understand it's insanely expensive and all but I was just curious. :D Anyone know what the next item to buy is on the list? :O

First is the Krawk Trans, then it will probably be a Draik Trans - I'm planning to pay for half of that one myself though. I *might* put in a mil or two for the Krawk one as well, if donations pick up enough that we're getting close :P


After that we'll probably make a poll to see what you all want us to go for next. I'm leaning towards our own Meowy, so that we don't have to keep bothering Kiri for hers lol

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Yep we were... some idiot FED it to his Grarrl though, rather than equiping it >_<

... *FACEPALM* Did they pay full collat or reduced?


And, er... *was lent MSPP for free*

*is well and truly shocked* *... hands down*

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And that is why the Grarll is supposed to be in the Neolodge. XD


BGC's rarely RS, but if they do, they cost 43k and are in Battle Shop.


I saw one, and got to the haggle, but then it was sold out. :(


Same with the ZDAP.


Good luck getting lent!

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Alright then people, we have got to start donating to the ALP more!! The Krawk will be awesomeee! I am almost out of money but I will donate what I can, kinda split up my funds that way. LET'S DO THIS!

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