hrtbrk Posted April 21, 2009 Posted April 21, 2009 Does your neopet(s) have a special name? What does it mean? How did you pick it? For my username, heartbr3ak, I was listening to Kanye West's 'Welcome to Heartbreak'. I'm sure you can figure out the rest of that one :* . For my first pet, I sorta played off of his looks. He looked a bit ferocious, so I came up with FerociousFerocity. When I was making my Tonu, I was watching old old reruns of Tenacious D, therefore TenaciousTenacity. Their names sorta match too! lol When FF got his first petpet, he was named Bandit after the Time Bandit on Deadliest Catch. When TT got his petpet, the name followed suit and Maverick was picked to coincide with the Maverick off of Deadliest Catch. Since Bandit was eaten by Turmy *shakes fist* he got a new petpet and he was named Flannerie, which means "descendant of the red warrior"... and the name only fits since FF is well... red... and a ferocious warrior. :P You?
Mimii Posted April 21, 2009 Posted April 21, 2009 My oldest pet is named 'maigewdies' because that song cracks me up.. I could not tell you why I named my pet that though. o_O Then we have tehMIMI, well I go by tehmimi or tehmiminator all over the web so yeah. I named her after me I guess. Thennnn we have Yelioness who was actually a gift from a member here on TDN so I didn't name her. ^^ Last I have the Lutari I made the other day, I named him tehNecrosaro.. The 'teh' is a thing of mine obviously and Necrosaro is the name of the game boss in Dragon Warrior IV for NES, my all time favorite video game evarrrr! Oh actually they released a remade version of that game on the DS.. But yeah. :D I'm hoping to zap the Lutari into another species and then paint him Darigan to go with the whole "evil video game boss" name. bwuaha
rachiee Posted April 21, 2009 Posted April 21, 2009 carisha975103 was a random name, chosen by a name generator a loooong time ago. I believe Neopets used to have a name generator at the "Create a Neopet" page in case you were stuck on a name...but I was brand new and couldn't think of anything good so I used the generator :) Eligibility is a real word, and I tried to choose a name that was a real word. The name pretty much speaks for itself...being eligible for something. miniyassy is adopted, so I don't know the origins of that name. and for my newest pet, underhonestly, that's probably /not/ a real word, but it comes from a real word-underhonest.
Stephé Posted April 21, 2009 Posted April 21, 2009 I adopted all my pets on my account at the moment, except for locindia because I thought it was a cute name. XP Previous pets were random names with the same numbers at the end.
ryanmuch Posted April 21, 2009 Posted April 21, 2009 my username; at the time (and still now) my msn name was "ryan much?" my first pet, Xuikun, i wanted a snazzy name, and started researching chinese elements. I'm not sure if the site was reliable, but Xui was snow and Kun was earth, or the other way round. so i just added one and one. for Ruitian, this was the same site; Rui was sharp, and Tian was sky, so it should mean sharp sky for Kuekido, I was looking up japanese something or other, Dokueki's a word there, i took the do and put it at the end. Kuekido, imo, also sound like cookie dough, and she's painted biscuit, so it's conveniant Pogeymanz, well, i'm a pokemon fan, it's a play on words. :D and Tsunasui, i was thinking of Tsunami, and just changed the 'mi' to 'sui' :D
Ali Cat Posted April 21, 2009 Posted April 21, 2009 Most of my pet's names are just random names I thought sounded pretty. One I did adopt from the pound though ^^ But one pet does have a meaning behind her name. She was my first pet on my current account, and I named her in tradition of my past two accounts first pets. See, each time I make an account, it usually has three numbers at the end; my first pet I usually name the next number - ex: xxx123 account name, first pet would be xxxxx124. Plus I carry on the words in my account name onto my first pets name also. So I named her the words in my account name, and one more than the three numbers in my current one ;3
Sapphy the Swamp Witch Posted April 21, 2009 Posted April 21, 2009 I found the name Jesorei mentioned in a pet spotlight entry and just decided to use that :). Aquielia was adopted from the pound and I liked the way it sounded sort of like 'aquatic' so I morphed her into a Koi. Kawinly was just a random name I thought up which seemed appropriate for a baby. Sylvinae was just a random name ^_^. My username? Because it sounds like my name, Sapphira!
Jikuu Posted April 21, 2009 Posted April 21, 2009 I named all my pets off of my last DnD game. They were all NPCs. I have one that's adopted now, but that one will be gone soon and in that place should be a Cybunny. <.<
alyssa! Posted April 21, 2009 Posted April 21, 2009 my username is my nickname with numbers added on. my gnorbu is named Layz_Clazzic_Chipz because they're my favorite chip... and Z's are cooler than S's. =P my cybunny and eyrie are adopted/transfers. my aisha is gimmegimme_more because of that Britney Spears song. =P
crazy monkey Posted April 21, 2009 Posted April 21, 2009 my neopets name is swimfreak8888, because i love to swim and that basically is where most of my friends are. But for my pets, i jus picked random names and added numbers and under scores to the end. *shrugs*
kss15 Posted April 22, 2009 Posted April 22, 2009 My jubjubs name is Aayashe. Its an aboriginal name for a girl meaning little one. She's on a side account right now. My other pets names were just random names: Meerca: Rossa9 (my first pet and I wish I could get rid of the number) Eyrie: Joneyric (who knows where I came up with that one) As for my Zweetok, I got the name Cymmii from The Sims 2 game lol-it's a name of a cat in the game. Aaand my new lutari, I was pressed for time and quickly thought up Barbarella, which was taken, so it became LeBarberella.
Deepti M. Posted April 22, 2009 Posted April 22, 2009 My usul (exotictemptation) was named while I was begging my mom to go to Jamaica in the summer (exotic in a way) and I just came up with temptation. My other pets names are pretty much just named after me. -blushes- I hope to paint exotictemptation baby, but I don't know if I should morph her into a cybunny first...
Unstream Posted April 22, 2009 Posted April 22, 2009 Hm, well my first pet was because I was watching Bleach, and I was at the part where he fights of the Bountous, so I named him bountouking. Not the best name, I know. Araatan actually came from brainstorming on Vaan, from Final Fantasy XII. I was originally trying Araan, but I think it was taken, so I just added the "ta", and then I had Araatan. Xenahart is based off of Xehanort, who is a Nobody in Kingdom Hearts II. I mixed a couple letters around, and changed a letter, and then I had my name. I think basing names off of characters from video games are a great way of coming up with good names :yes:
Masaryk Posted April 22, 2009 Posted April 22, 2009 My username, masaryk_the_mad, originated during a Dungeons & Dragons game. My longest-played character, Aleksandr Masaryk, found an old tome in a massive library, presumably about one of his ancestors, entitled 'Masaryk the Mad.' I liked the sound of it, so I've been using it as my internet handle ever since. It's also a nod to my Czech heritage. My first pet's name is Frostgleam. I wanted to pick something fantastical and wintry. I usually take a long time to come up with names. Thankfully, this one wasn't already taken. My second pet, sun_reichardt, was a pound pet, so I had no hand in the name. It was just nice to find a pet with something resembling an actual name. I like to try to do a play on words when naming petpets, like Mazhulhu the Mazzew (combined with Cthulhu) and Slorgra the Slorg (combined with Slogra, a Castlevania baddie).
Lia Seeya Posted April 22, 2009 Posted April 22, 2009 My first four pets had quite... Err... Well, they really didn't mean anything special or interesting. Lightning_Fast98: Pound pet, but he turned out to be from a friend of mine that I met later! (Small world!). She says she picked it because the blue fur and stripes reminded her of lightning Mia_555: Mia from my username, amelia_124. 555 for fun. XD Rowelynthecute_11: ... I still facepalm whenever I read that. XD A friend of mine asked me to make a neopet after her back when we were (you guessed it) 11 years old. mylittleangel96: Made spur of the moment on Poogle Day, now on a side account. A friend of mine came up with the name. Xiucoathl_: An Aztec god, I think. It's an inside joke. XD
Coco Posted April 22, 2009 Posted April 22, 2009 My username, leianidas, is obviously a play on Leonidas since I love 300 but I love Star Wars too, hence, Leia. XD My first pet, WhySoSerious8D, was a Kyrii and I intended him to be somewhat like The Joker. His petpet WAS a Spyder and its name was Harley Quinn. My second pet, Bernardo_Carpio is actually Filipino thing. He was a legend in the Spanish era, known to be the saviour of the meek Filipino people. He is a Grarrl that I hope to paint Maraquan soon. I attached a Harris to him and named him Harry Potter. No connection or whatsoever. XD My third pet, Luseel_Bluth, was a Tuskaninny that I created for the avatar and then I morphed it into a Uni. I named her after Lucille Bluth from Arrested Development. I attached a Slorg to her and named it Buster, after Buster Bluth, Lucille's clingy son in AD. And finally, my fourth pet, the Lutari, is named Slayturr and it's my favorite name so far. I named him after Bill Hader's character in Superbad, Officer Slater. I even bought him little glasses to wear so they could match. X3 He has no petpet yet but I'll probably name it "McLovin" XD
kan-tree-nah Posted April 22, 2009 Posted April 22, 2009 i created my neopet account when i was 15...some years ago now... at the time i was into the 'star' thing...hence my username being firestar1909 my first and main pet...bozino...was kind of named after the clown bozo..which was taken... he has an angelpus for a petpet, which i called destiny as it seemed to suit the pet... i have a jubjub...called her itsaqtpie' i thought she was really cute her petpet changes all the time for the petpet avatars...currently with a gruslen named fangy thirdly is a grarrl that i adopted from the pound with the cool name of dinoo_saurs...i got him to zap and try to get more avatars... he has a petpet form the newbie pack that i can't sell in my shop
chi Posted April 22, 2009 Posted April 22, 2009 I name my first pet Milly_Rage. First i want to name her Millia Rage (she's a character in Guilty Gear, my favorite game), but it's not available so i name her Milly_Rage instead. I think it's a nice name. My second pet is adopted so there's nothing to say about her name (but dobie_23 is a decent name, i think)
ho_yt Posted April 22, 2009 Posted April 22, 2009 My first pet the kacheek now her name does not really have any meaning to me just a random pick but for the shoyru its actually a change in my name so its really special because it actually have a meaning that the pet is very close to me like my siblings because in siblings in chinese the names will change a bit leaving the surname as the same will mean that that you have a special relationship between each other.. I wonder if anyone can understand XD
Queen Diva Posted April 22, 2009 Posted April 22, 2009 My pet I named Femme_Diva because well, I figured she would be a total diva which she turned out to be. I seem to end up with pets like that.. The other two I picked up from the pound so didn't choose their names :)
ilovestickers Posted April 22, 2009 Posted April 22, 2009 Username: watchthisspace__ This is because i was listening to "watch this space" from Britannia High, and it is my favourite Britannia High song :D Then, Elphebaa. Well, i LOVE Wicked, so i named it after the main character, Elpheba. :D I named Yurrgenson after a character i once played in a show, as that was their surname :) My wicked obsession continues with the names of my two petpets - Galinda and Fiyero. These are two other characters from it :D I love their names <3 ^_^
lovedwallflower Posted April 22, 2009 Posted April 22, 2009 good topic :D my username is fusilla for a type of spiral-y / curly pasta.. my father used to call me fusilla when i was little because i had curly hair.. my pets: beqqina - i made her during a time when i was OBSESSED with sheep (weird i know). anyway, they make this sort of beeeeeqqq sound, therefore beqqina :P cicero_90: i loved chicago (the musical), and theres a song where they mention Hotel Cicero.. i picked it up cause i thought it sounded nice polarski: a tribute to my favourite film director Polanski daquirie_ice: is just my wish to party with my friends fused into a moehog :P
Krystalix Posted April 22, 2009 Posted April 22, 2009 I have 4 pets. Zonarii - I named her after my friend's character in a vide game Kronyis - Same as above Sabrelion - He was adopted from the pound a looooooooooooooong time ago Aethias - He was traded for one of my pets =3
ΩCCΩ Posted April 22, 2009 Posted April 22, 2009 My pets names are random names. I have an orange koi named Fantabley so yeah, all their names are insane too :D.
SarafinaWolf7 Posted April 22, 2009 Posted April 22, 2009 Username: Sarafina is the name I go by on the web. It has my name in it, and it's the name of a character in Lion King (Nala's mother) who is like me in looks and personality. Wolves are my favorite animal. 7 is my lucky number. Pets: Honote_7 (Lupe) - Hono means flame and te means hand in japanese (I messed up. I wanted to it to be legs which is ashi). 7 is the same as my username. I'm going to paint him fire, and wolves are known for running. SoraTenshi7 (Pteri) - Sora means sky and tenshi means angel in Japanese. 7 is the same as my username. I'm going to paint her Faerie so she'll look like a "sky angel". Named after Sora Naegino from the anime Kaleido Star. In the show Sora talks about "angel hearts" and at one point her friend says "angel" when she see Sora (Sora is up in the air and the flapping tent behind her makes it look like she has wings). Also named after Sora Takenouchi from digimon, who has a bird digimon as her partner. Vasuki7 (Hissi) - Vasuki is the name of the king of snakes. It also means naga (snake) in Sanskrit. Also named after a character in a book my friend is writing. In the book, Vasuki is the father and god of the winged snakes. 7 is the same as my username. Flamestorm7 (Lupe) - Named because she was going to be painted fire (before I got Hono). Now I think I'll morph her into one of the dragon Neopets. 7 is the same as my username.
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