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What does everyone do for a living?


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^_^ I thought this would be a little fun topic to find out what alot of neopet addicts do hehe. I myself am a dog groomer at petsmart which has its ups and downs. Downs being like earlier this week i got attacked by a cocker spaniel didnt break skin but i have about 5 bruises where she bit me. Ups being all the cute little dogs that i get to play with all day. But im gonna go back to school to do a biology major then ethier go parmacy stuff or vetranieran (gosh i cant spell to save my life. Anyways post back what u all do (sorry if this is already a topic i couldnt find one).

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I'm a middle school student (in 6th grade at the moment) who is too young to get a job too.

Most of the time I'm a student...the rest of the time I'm either writing, drawing, listening to music, watching TV or just sleeping. :sleeping_03anim: Hehe.


^ pretty much what I do for a living.

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I'm a stay-at-home wife to a U.S. Marine. I volunteer and go to the gym during the week. I'd work but there's not much out here that isn't hunted to extinction by the other spouses :/

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I'm a bum! I have college under my belt but I haven't had a job for close to a year now. It's so extremely hard to get a job around here right now that even fast food places won't hire me!! D:


I am planning on selling my crochet stuff soon and I donate plasma twice a week (I get $60 per week for it) to pay for my credit card, phone, internet, etc.

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I'm just a high school student (junior)/mod/random spriter hobo livin' in a cardboard box, with nothing to eat but my plant fern. I plan to get a job this summer, something up at the shopping center with good air conditioning.

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Same as Anime, high school student, sophomore. I'm also getting a job this summer (mainly because my parents want me to be employed ASAP. =/).

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lol, I know how you feel Mimi.

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well I'm a 10th grade student who loves music and makes music has a band and writes poems and draws (not to good) I don't have a job but want to work in a musical store or something like that, also I take my nephews to their tennis class so my mom buys gas for me :D so really I don't need a job right now

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i am a celebrity acting as if i am living a normal life as a student lolz.. haha im kiddin' ( of course ) definitely luvv music, play instruments, sing, and just do fun stuff!! im more of an outdoorsy person. i play tennis n' soccer and yeah.. i like a ot of things.

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Sorry Mimi, can't raise my hand for 5 1/2 months. Once that happens, I'll be more than happy to raise it ~_^

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Don't worry Mimi, I seem to get on much better with teenagers...


And I can't even put my hand up for being a teenager for another year. Ah well, it's good to be a kid..

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Alright then, all the 20-somethings please raise your hands? D: PLEASE? lol


*raises hand* In fact in 13 days I will be 23!

Can the over-30s raise their hands too? We need a forum topic for the 20+ women of this forum.


Currently, I work as a substitute teacher. Almost all of the people posting to this thread need to get off the internet and go do their homework! :P


The work's not too bad, and the pay is pretty good, but over-hiring has lead to a deficit of work with my school board this year. I also take shifts as an Educational Assistant too. Thankfully, spring is finally here, so I may soon be able to find a biology-related contract to carry me through the summer.

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