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We were recently attacked by a member of our forums who signed up as a human, but then turned on an automated program to send out a private message containing a harmful link to ALL of our members. No worries, all of his evil messages were deleted. But as a result of this attack, we have applied a patch to our forums enforcing a PM flood limit. Members are now permitted to send 1 private message every 3 minutes.


This is for your security and protection. If a member of our forum WITH A LOW POST COUNT sends you a relatively short message with a link to an "out of network" website (i.e. something that has nothing to do with Neopets), do NOT click it but report the message to a moderator immediately. If something ever looks suspicious, report it and stay away from it.


We apologize for any inconvenience caused.




Does the wait include PMs being carbon-copied to different people? Like, is every PM sent at 3-minute intervals?


Seems kinda... drastic... for one spammer that has slipped through. Every forum receives the odd spammer every now and again. But, hope it works out!


AND! Promote internet safety as much as you can because I was honestly shocked at the amount of people who clicked the link that the unknown person had sent out. :eh:


I think that's great. I don't think it's too drastic because it could happen again at any time and it's way better to be safe than sorry!


wow excelent move Ian :D I got one message of those.... and I didn't mind in oppen it lol so then you deleted. I was safe thanx to our fast mods :)


Good idea. Will be annoying to some people, including me, but we'll get over it.


It's better safe than sorry!


I got a message from some guy linking to a Russian site. o.o Oh those spammers and their crazy programs...


Here's hoping the patch will keep our comps safe! :D


I think its is not a bad idea as it sort of prevent spanners and it does not really affect me much since I don't send a lot of messages..


Me too, if I ever want to chat or anything on TDNF I will always come here. The only time I contacted anybody is when I wanted to play KQ or for the ALP.


Thanks Ian for rocking this place.


You guys are welcome. I am sad you can't send as many PMs in a minute, but this keeps everybody safer!


Remember to report ANY suspicious links in PMs to a moderator immediately!


Being new to the "posting" side of TDN and hopefully going to be taking full advantage of the pm system. It is nice to see that spammers and such are handled quickly making everyone safer. Even if it is a tad inconvenient to some, I am sure that in the long run it will be way worth it even if just to detour the next spammer to come along.



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