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I would love to play!


I keep having people drop out on me and it's getting annoying. (I'm not even particularly good.)


I'm up for 5-key games, preferably 2-3 players. I never drop out of a game because I'm not winning. I'll only drop out if it hangs on me, which is pretty rare so far (haven't played THAT much yet) and usually happens at the initial screen, not the game board.


I'm good at some mini-games and stink at others.


I'm online all day today, pretty much.


Please add me to the list! What a great idea, I stopped playing keyquest as I was getting frustrated with other players on the site. I prefer 2p 5 key games, did I read earlier that some people also requested 5Knp wise games?? My username is tam6ara




I'm pretty much always around, from 11am GMT - especially if someone wants me to be.

I only play 2 player, 5 key games.


I typically respond to neomail requests within a few minutes.


Hello All,


I just wanted to say thanks to all of the tournament participants, and to open a discussion about future tournaments.


I was on the whole real happy with this tournament. For a first time around it went pretty smoothly. Here are my thoughts for future tournaments.


-Monthly or Bi-Monthly Tournament?


-Increase The Time Of Round One To Include A Full Week (and maybe two weekends)?


-Opening The Tournament Up To All Of TDN As Oppose To Just KeyQuest List Members?


Let me know what you think of those ideas. And feel free to insert ideas of your own. I would also like to begin a discussion of prizes for the tournament?

Please be sure to know and understand both TDN and Neopets rules before making a prize suggestion. We don't want to cause any trouble for anyone...


ok, I would like to be added, my username is kaiandshadow I like all types of games just tell me what and I'll accept. I'm regularly online in weekends and monday to friday from 3 to 6 NST in vacations I ussualy am in front of pc all day, since this is my working place :D and I check neopets regurarly.

don't be affraid to neomail me here


I think it went really well, although some extra time instead would have been nice as it's hard to fit it into weekdays with classes and especially being on the other side of the world compared to everyone else!


Not sure about prizes though, would be happy with a banner for signature stating who the current champion is? :D

I just wanted to say thanks to all of the tournament participants, and to open a discussion about future tournaments.


I was on the whole real happy with this tournament. For a first time around it went pretty smoothly. Here are my thoughts for future tournaments


Did I miss something? We'd just got through round 1.. Was there only 1 round?


Tara, I think it would be better if we had a list of match predecided instead of having to contact a bajillions of people and wait to hear from them. It some how takes initiative and not everyone has it (and it was also a bit awkward).


So like this week

Xepha has to play her 5 games against : (Name)


Including 2 weekends sounds a good idea too.


The info about round two is on the tournament topic...


I am waiting for results from a few contestant before I plan it out exactly,

but if it's just the three of you we will probably just do a round robbin, winner take all kind of thing...


Check the actual Tournament Topic for more info about that.

ok, I would like to be added, my username is kaiandshadow I like all types of games just tell me what and I'll accept. I'm regularly online in weekends and monday to friday from 3 to 6 NST in vacations I ussualy am in front of pc all day, since this is my working place :D and I check neopets regurarly.

don't be affraid to neomail me here


As I said before I would like to be added please :D


Whoops, sorry about that. I saw your request, but I just forgot to add you.

You are not officially added, so...Welcome To The Group. And Get Playing!


p.s. In the future feel free to PM me. Since PM's are emailed to me that would be faster.

I check my e-mail more often than I check this. Although I do check this at lest once a day.


I am playing now, for anyone interested than just add me as lovely_koko96


I'm online for a while if anyone wants to play with me :)


I am also available to play KQ right now.


I would raise my hand, but everybody raised their hand 14 hours ago xD


Well, since I haven't been added, why not add me to the list? My username is nelson4567. Remember that I'm only on 11pm-2:30 am NST on Neopian Sundays - Thursday and I'm pretty much on from 3pm - 3am NST on Neopian and Fridays and Saturdays. That's the thing with Time zones xD. I'm in the Sydney and Melbourne time zone too if you want to play.


BTW, I can't use neomail, so if you would like to play then drop me a PM. I'm almost always on TDN on the hours I can play so I check my PMS whenever there's a new message. :)


PS: If you really want to NM me then neomail neoquester_27. That account can receive neomail. Be warned, I don't use that account much anymore.


I can play right now until 3:00 am NST tomorrow if you want to play. Use what I said in my post if you want to play :)

  • 1 month later...
  • 3 weeks later...

Add me to the list please! :D

  • Username: chelsea_ann89
  • 2 player, 5 key games
  • Pacific Time Zone (same as NST)
  • Available any day of the week from 6pm to 10pm


I never quit and I'm not ruthless with the power-ups (unless I find the need to fight back!).

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