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Ban the person above you!

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Well if you want i can remove you.....


Banned for having only 1 neopet


This game is for banning people with ridiculous reasons.

Banned for changing your profile picture.


Banned for thinking Lutaris are weird. Only the Pant Devil belongs in that category. :dance:


EDIT: I was on the last page. ;) Well, anyway...


Banned because I am finished reading them already!


Banned for repeating the number 17 too many times.


HEY ! How dare you don't like spongebob ?


Banned for not liking spongebob <3


Banned for mentioning that square yellow guy that I have never heard of. (Well, I've heard of him, but I've had more important things to do. By that I mean beating up the Pant Devil.)


You have too much time on your hands. Banned for having too much time on your hands.


Banned because the Pant Devil just stole my Chocolate Chia. :sad02: I was gonna eat that...


That was weird.


Banned for sending me another one.


Banned for thinking that it was weird that I said it was weird. If you did not understand that, way to go.

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