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Adopting, zapping, and pounding?


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I have read a couple of different things the last week or so regarding adopting a pet just to zap it and then pound it again. Anyone have any thoughts?

I think it is a great way to help out some people who cannot afford to paint a pet, however, how can you be really sure that the person who gets your pet can't afford to get a paint brush?

I guess so long as the pet is adopted, as opposed to just being created and then pounded, it is a nice way to help out other Neopians.

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Some people ask for a people to send in 'why do you want this pet' letters. It's a good way to find who is genuine, that they really want the pet and will look after it. It's very common if you're wanting to adopt a Draik or Krawk. So, you could always do that if you want to make sure your pet will be looked after!


I think it's a great way to help out people, too. There's no real way to be sure if the person can afford a brush, even an person with an account which is a few weeks old could be a millionaire. Could be a side account! But if the person genuinely wants the pet, I would be happy giving it to that person. Even if they could afford one, they might be saving for something and can't buy a brush. I would pick the person who wants it most, who would look after the pet the best. I'd look for someone before pounding.

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To add another perspective...


Secret Laboratory gives some exclusive colors too. So it's possible the only way to get that color is with the lab... or it could be one rare pets (some chia for examples) that are hard to obtain without the lab or a FFQ.


I think it's perfectly fine to adopt-zap-pound. Pets I care about will never be put in the pound for anyone to grab anyway :P.

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Well, there are some adoption petpages, where you fill out the form, and the owner decides whether the pet will be going to a good home, or if you're just being greedy. Personally, I prefer those, because you can form a friendship with the previous owner also, and you'll also have a neofriend while you're taking care of your beautiful new neopet, whether painted or not!

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I've been adopting, zapping into LE or painted and rehoming pets for years ^_^


I think its a great way to possibly give someone their dream pet - there are a bunch of petpages where users can have their name and one or two "dream" pets listed. I stalk those everytime I get a decent zap. If there is no-one on those wanting the pet I've zapped, then I make a board and let people chat a bit til I find someone who I think really want the pet.


Since the trading game began, I've been against simply repounding... before that, I always just repounded. Now though, too many pound surfers lurk for a "good" pet and then as soon as they get one, they put it UFT. I'd rather my labbers go to permanent homes, so I take the extra time to find a user in other ways :)

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I don't think they would get mad. Heck, you are taking a plain old hungry, sad, sick pet out of the pound, making it into a gorgeous, healthy, colorful pet and finding a good home for it. I have been thinking for quite a while of doing this on my other side account, as that is the only account that is not full up with 4 pets and I am certainly not giving any of my lovelies away, lol.

I think of it as fostering, like people do for pets at animal shelters. And now that transfer is an option, I would definitely do that rather than repounding, as well. Now the only thing to do is get a third lab map, but it will probably be a while before I can do that again. :sad02:

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I have been thinking for quite a while of doing this on my other side account, as that is the only account that is not full up with 4 pets and I am certainly not giving any of my lovelies away, lol.


*rereads above post* *rereads quoted post* *repeats*


*is confused*

I thought you said you had an account that wasn't full with four pets...?

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That's what I meant... You could transfer one of your pets from one of the accounts that has the lab map to the side that doesn't have the lab map, and then you would have a free slot and wouldn't have to buy a new lab map.

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Yeah, I thought about that, but I think I just really want to make the third account a little adoption service type thing, and I don't want to shuffle my pets around too much. But I appreciate the suggestion. :)

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