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They have a preset number of tickets available to the public, so if you want one directly from the ticket booth, you'll probably have to get there early =/


You can buy them off the shop wizard though. Just search The name of the band and 'Ticket' at the end.

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You can buy tickets early in the morning, but it is best to buy tickets way in advance through user shops.

Just go to the shop wizard search for the band you are trying to see and *boom* you've got your ticket for the next time they play.


Edit: We are so helpful here we are like tripping over each other...LOL. Identical posts made like seconds apart.

Between you, me, and Xepha we are going to answer every Neopets question until there just aren't any questions left.


Edit Two: And then sure enough, like the next person to post on here was Xepha, LOL. Man we just rock!

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Hmmm, I Only Went For The Avatars But Im Sure You Can Buy Them Off The Shop Wizard For About The Same Price.

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you guys probably never bought tickets for avatar concerts. the concerts that dont give out avatars tend to be super empty, just because there's no demand for them.


i've been wanting to do the jazzmosis avatar for a while now but always forget to check what dates they're on :P

Nope I have all of the avatar concert ones, and for every single one of them I bought. They seriously never seem out of stock. I guess you'll have to check when not many people are on Neopets. Remember, the majority of the players will be in America, so it's probably the best to wait until late in the night or get up early in the morning to get concert tickets, since most of the players will be asleep.

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