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I was browsing the new archives on Neopets and I found it interesting how much Neopets has changed over the years so....

Today In History....

I have decided to base it on 5th 6th 7th January.


5th Of January 2001 The path through the ice caves has been cleared, and you can now travel to Terror Mountain!

7th Of January 2001 Snow faerie Quests open on top of terror mountain!

The Igloo Garage Sale begins today! - And to think... 8 years on they still have loads of interesting and quirky items coming out of their attic!


7th Of January 2002 Following the results of a poll all pets painted glass were to be switched over to a newer, more exciting color, Tyrannian!

Polls were introduced for your guild.


5th Of January 2004 A new game is released - Skies over Meridell, a popular game which still remains today.


5th Of January 2006 3 Petpetpets are released. Finally, Something for your petpets to do! (Wonder if they will ever release petpetpetpets!)

6th Of January 2006 3 years ago to this day, The Gnorbu was made an official Neopet!


Hope you gained some interesting general Neopet's knowledge out of this. :) I hope to post another day in history, in the near future!


Oh cool. I remember when Gnorbus were released. I didn't really like them, still don't. xD


We so have to keep this one going I LOVE this ^_^ Seasons Past..when I was and wasn't around lol

Oh cool. I remember when Gnorbus were released. I didn't really like them, still don't. xD


Ha, so you've said under today's Gnorbu birthday news! :D



Anyway, "Today's History" is interesting. It's difficult to think that all that we have today on Neopets wasn't always there, y'know? (At least, it is for me, because I'm so used to everything now :))


Neopets has changed the past years.


My school news channel has a similar concept on their shows.

Its really interesting how in a year or two, a new neopet shows up or a new world. Keep it coming!


I remember how awesome it was to enter terror mountain. You wondered if it was going to be like a haunted house type thing, only to find it was just the top of a mountain XD


Some of the archives news are really funny. And I remember reading some of them... I wasn't really news addicted before the Altador Plot though XD.


8th of January 2009 I decided I might try it again since some people enjoyed it So this is just for today, and not for 3 days as I had previously done.


- 8th of January 2001 – The Ice crystal Shop opens up In the Ice Caves, It still remains open today

- The Scratchcard Kiosk Opens up In the Ice Caves – The price of a scratch card back then was 500 Neopoints.


- 8th of January 2002 – Size and quality options are added to the flash games. Neopians can now adjust the game options to suit their computers and help speed up the flash games!

- A rarity cap or R79 was placed on the search bar, so Neopians have to work harder to seek out the much sought-after treasures!

- The Snow Faerie was "made" to provide better prizes for her quests…. If only the Neopets team would do this again! ;P (This update supposedly allowed her to hand out transmogrification Potions although I have found no-one who is able to confirm this, even if these were, they must not have been handed out for long!)


- 8th of January 2003 – Zurroball Is released! – A popular game, loved by many!

Gormball... nah

Frumball... as if

Zurroball... YEAH!!!


Unfortunately there seems to be no more archived news for the 8th of January in any of the later dates. Hope you found it interesting! :)


I wonder if there will be a day where NOTHING happened. :]


We should keep this up! Keep the updates coming. This is interesting


Today In History 9th January

Not sure If this is still interesting but I shall go once more :D


-January 9th 2001 - The Moves such as fierce attack and Chia Giggle (For example) Are now available to be used in the battledome. Now killing Punch Bag Bob will be a whole lot faster! :D


-January 9th 2002 - The Great Chocolate Sweepstakes begins! This was a promotion run by The Neopets team where they gave out rare chocolate items, (Some worth millions today), A years supply of Neopian chocolate, And a million Neopoints! (Which back then was HEAPS!)

This Continued on until February the 6th when the prizes were drawn.


-January 9th 2003 - Meridell has been Trashed! The Battle for Meridell, Neopets third largest plot, and some say the greatest in Neopets history, is in Action!


Only Lord Kass could have moved something this big!


All that Hard work producing his marrow for nothing :(


-January 9th 2004 - A zen mode has been added to Suteks Tomb. This is the first game to recieve this Mode, which allows you too Play an Play and Play :)


There you go. Another Day, Another lesson learned! :P


wow that was cool but i wish i knew what the first pet was in neopets, an not meaning the Speics of the pet cuz i know it was the Aisha but the first pet created and petpet and mybe petpetpet


Good question, Cute Cybunny. I'd like to know that myself. And Kass managed to move Turmaculus??? Wow. He must be strong. Even I couldn't move Turmy!

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