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Should I still go for Adam avatar?

Shane for Wax

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I have found I'm having a lot more fun by not trying for it, but my friends keep saying if I'm already about halfway there, then why don't I grind some more?


BTW, sorry for bumping that other topic. I saw last post was in January, and that was the only thing that popped up at me :(

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I agree. =^-^=


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If I were you, I'd save up the rest. Remember though, that you can work on it, spend some on stuff you like, and work on it some more.


By the way, can we still see Adam's NP count? I thought that page was taken down a while ago...

The page is being renovated currently. It should probably be back up in the next few weeks.

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I say do whatever makes you have more fun, unless if you think you'd use the avatar on the boards and such :)


By the way, can we still see Adam's NP count? I thought that page was taken down a while ago...


We can't see it now, since the page was indeed taken down. However, I can only assume that TNT wouldn't make Adam EASIER to get, so it might still be at it's old 11.something mil.

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I'm almost there... I hope TNT will not make too much of a change to the previous amount if not I have to save more to get the avatar...

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Wow good luck to you guys going for it since we can't see his page. Wonder if 0 np counts? lol


Someone is gonna have to let us know if they get it but I can't imagine how much patience that will take O.o

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I wouldn't give up on that goal... although we have no idea when the page will be back (My guess is during the week of the four thursdays).



Ooo didn't think of them..I would almost place money on that one -goes to plot-

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What does that mean? Week of the four thursdays? Am I missing something?



It means it's likely to take forever... I mean, they took over a year to reopen the pound :k.

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I can never save up much, but the adam avie is a great one to have. They say it will be back up, so I'd keep trying if you can earn neopoints quickly and you don't get bored. :graduated:

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  • 3 weeks later...

the adam avie is way easier to get now (at times) with the random price of asparagus. I got it right before they took it down so the change didn't help or hurt. But there are times the price is really low (down to about 7mil) so keep on the lookout!

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