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I've been playing Neopets since I was 10 (I am almost 20). My name is Kat. My neopets name is rotcchick081. Nice to meetcha! :D


Nah, no reason to feel old for that at all. A lot of people on here have been playing neopets for about that long. (My friend Fuzio has been playing since about 1999)



My name's Stephanie. It's great I guess to meet a long time neopets player. :D

Remember to read the rules and I hope you stay active!


Hey Kat, welcome to TDN forums ;D


I'm 22 years old (going on 23 this summer) and I don't feel old most of the time. I guess it's depends of the kid-in-you :P. Physical age isn't much important anyway!


I could have sworn I signed up for the forums last year, but apparently I did not. Only the site itself. Anyways, I only feel old when I check out what people say about bands and stuff. lol A lot of the younger folks have no idea who the Spice Girls were. That makes me sad.



it's nice to meet you too


I know what you mean Kat, but your not alone. I'm 22 and more addicted than ever! I really think there is a lot to the game that you can't really appreciate until your older. There are lots of older people on the forum though, and the younger members are all very mature, and enjoyable fellow forum users. Most of the time I don't even notice how old anyone is.


Well apparently Neopets was originally made for college students...so that isn't so bad. :)


want to feel old... i bet you half the people here never seen



Ah! Real Monsters

Rugrats (before Dil and Teens)

98 Degrees (i think that was there name) (It was a band.. not a show)

13 ghost of scooby doo


Bah! Just shows i remember in USA from the time i was a child.. But there was many more.


Hello Kat, nice to meet you, dont worry, I once met one guy in a MMORPG and he had 67 years old... youre' not so old you know... lol :D

want to feel old... i bet you half the people here never seen



Ah! Real Monsters

Rugrats (before Dil and Teens)

98 Degrees (i think that was there name) (It was a band.. not a show)

13 ghost of scooby doo


Bah! Just shows i remember in USA from the time i was a child.. But there was many more.

Don't forget Doug and Rocko's Modern Life. Sweet shows :) I wish they were still around.


Yes Those shows too

Doug Funny U: Loved Patty and his friend Skeeter. How could i ever forget that?


Hey Arnold!

All That?

Clarisa Explains it all

The Amanda Show!



Oh my god, I remember almost all of that stuff.


I remember that Spice Girls were really popular with my preschool class (lolwut? o.O)


So I'm not that young either. But I've got a while to go before I'm even 20.


Anyway, I'm Laura.


I've been playing since I was 7 xD Now I'm 14.


No need to feel old at all ^^ Though my age isn't exactly the best example ...


Oh, don't forget Angry Beavers too! o:

The Wild Thornberry's

As Told By Ginger


Awesome shows (x They went off around here when I was 6 or 7 though xD


Ooh I loved the Wild Thornberries. Eliza Thornberry is my gal! :D I was in 3rd-6th grade when the Spice Girls were popular. You make me feel even older Laura.


Ohhhh I miss all those shows T__T

*tries to think of one*


Blues Clues with Steve....though I believe he is dead now @__@


And the Goosebumps shows, those might still be on though.


The Wild Thornberry's was an amazing show, I used to watch it everyday. Oh! And Digimon and the ORIGINAL Pokemon, not the ones pokemon up to number 9496345395 or something. Ohhh yes.


The original Pokemon! THAT was my show (x The new ones are so confusing with all the new characters and random new pokemon x-x


I used to watch Sailor Moon and the original Dragon Ball Z ^^ They stopped coming on around here several years ago though *sigh*.


I have so many original Pokemon cards, I used to love it! Still do, still do.


I never got into those two shows, mostly all those amazing cartoons the others mentioned xP


I mostly watched those because my older brother did at the time xD They amused me.


My binder of cards is still upstairs XD Mostly now I just stick to the Gameboy versions of Pokemon, but now and then I pull out the ole cards and force someone to play me a few rounds.


Hey, though i am 12 i still see the Wild thronberrys, Hey Arnold, Rugrats(my fav), As told by ginger, Catdog!! and The Amanda Show!. I see them in Arabic though...


Goodness, now I feel old, and I'm only 15! I remember ALL the shows you listed, and liked them SO much better than the ones now. Especially Doug and Rugrats, and Blues Clues with Steve! =] *sigh* Those were the good old days... when I was all of like, 7 years old... *sigh* Anywho, I'm probably kinda late saying this, but welcome!


~ Livvy

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