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TDN Christmas Logic Puzzle Discussion


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Haizz until now I only found 3, I really don't feel like looking for the next 5 after I found the 5 for yesterday...


Edit: Strange I don't find Ian's hint useful at all...

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It won't matter when you find them, as long as you find them at 27th, and complete the logic puzzle first. :P You can search the 20 hints on 26th and the 4 last ones when they get released, and nothing will happen to you :P Please go sleeping or you'll sleep over the 27th. :D

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I'm not sure if its too fast to ask this but will it be possible to have 2 scrolls in one page?

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Ultimate Happy Negg, did you find one?



Not just one, two. How many did you find?


What areas did you waste time in? The BD or avaters or where?



GMC and Altador Cup. -yawn- I've just spent half an hour cleaning the whole house. Half an hour that I COULD have spent looking for scrolls!!!

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Is the main Taelia's clue actually a clue to help us find stuff? And how many of Taelia's clues are available with scrolls each day?



As Ian said..


"Question: Are Taelia's clues separate from regular scrolls?

NO. Scrolls and "Taelia's clues" are the same ting.


Question: What do Taelia's clues look like?

Like a regular scroll."


When you find a scroll it give you a clue.. a clue that help you solve the Logic Puzzle.. not a clue to find more scrolls.

I believe that we're only being given clues to find the scrolls by Mr. Ian on here. :laughingsmiley:


Question: Are Taelia's clues separate from regular scrolls?

NO. Scrolls and "Taelia's clues" are the same ting.


Question: What do Taelia's clues look like?

Like a regular scroll.


psst.. if that's the case.. my page shows this:


"Scrolls you've uncovered...


* not

* telling what

* they

* say


Taelia's Clues


You must know that any deal comes with a price. The price was that Taelia would exchange one of each pet's gifts with a replacement item. For example, she took Jerry's (Jerry isn't part of the puzzle, pure example) balloon and gave him a ball.


You haven't uncovered any of Taelia's clues yet! Keep searching around the site!"


If scrolls and T clues are the same.. and I've found 4 scrolls, then why does it say I haven't uncovered any of T's clues?


hmmmmm :mellow:


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Sarafina, they can be on ANY page on the main site of thedailyneopets.com, including plot pages. :) Remember that scrolls will not be on pages such as:


  • Battlepedia
  • Customization
  • Neo Avatars
  • Altador Cup
  • GMC
  • Forums

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OK, they can be on the game guide pages and the helpful articles (excluding GMC and AC) so look for them in those.



ok thanks bunches.....sorry


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