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What is the RAREST pet you have??


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Well I don't have any super rare pets, but I guess my rarest and my favorite is my skunk xweetok:



I am slightly shamed to admit I got him stalking the shop wizard until someone made a mistake and way under priced the PB...

but I love him so very much! If I could have any pet in all of Neopia he is what I would have picked. I'm a sucker for the pets that look like real animals.

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I'd say my Christmas Cybunny (I got this when the Christmas paint brush wasn't free in advent and wasn't ridiculously cheap like it is now compared to the other paintbrushes.)


My Ice Bori that I got when they first came out and was the limited edition paint color. ^_^


And my Fire colored Uni. (It used to be a Flotsam... my first pet... but it got changed into a Uni AND fire colored at that!)

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So...your proud of your pet simply because its the rarest and so called most important colors. I hear this many times, it reflects a rather extraordinary shallowness to appreciating someone when all you can value to pride is simply external and overall materialistic aspects. Im proud of my ghost xweetok. She's not special, she's not some crazy, RARE color, she's not a pet i feel i can brag about. But I've written stories about her and handed manuscripts to friends, i've drawn many pictures of her in my sketches and art work, i've taken my time to dress her, develop her personality as i would a character in one of my writings. I'm proud of who she is because i can confide in her personally almost as an imaginary friend (as cheesy as that sounds, its very useful in character development and planning). Im proud of her because she's truly my own creation, and not something depicted on a site called 'Neopets'.

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I finally got a Cloud Paint Brush today!


I was bidding on it but someone stole it from me at the last second.

I was actually able to buy one in someone's shop for cheaper than the auction anyways.


So I'd have to say my cute little Cloud Gnorbu, funny_bunny_xx. I love Cloud Gnorbu's, they are just precious!


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