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  • 2 weeks later...

I'm doing this part and I can't seem to figure it out. I've tried your idea. I was not successful. I think part of my problem is not having an option of "bandage". I've tried to get past this part without seeing the bandage picture but it pops up usually on my second to last picture. Can anyone help me?


You'll need the 'bandage' option. It's just too much of a possibility that the option will show up atleast once in the '10' tries.


I must say that I didn't think this would work, just because I had tried so many times with other methods just to fall flat on my face. The only thing I added was one more check in at the end, and it worked perfectly. Thank you very much for your contribution!!!

  • 2 weeks later...



I was'nt registered in this forum, i tried so many times to heal the vaeolus, and i read this tip and closed the window and tried. It worked at the first time, so i'm so thankful that i registered on the site just to say THANKS!!!!

:) I'm really happy because soon i'll finish all the plot. :woot:

  • 3 weeks later...

Sweet, it seems helpful, I'll try it now:D


Just do an action based on image or look up a guide.


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  • 1 month later...

Thanks I was about to give up after spending 3 hourss then I saw this and it worked.


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thanks for this tip. i think the way it helped me get through it was by just keeping track of every minute. it made it easier to not miss a minute by making me focus on the seconds and multiples of five.


i had been trying to heal that petpet for over half an hour, so when it finally became healthy and on fire again, its angry face and fiery wings scared me so much i jumped. o_O


Been trying this method for 1 hour now, and 3.5 hours in total, with no success, i've been nailing the the different options on the right time, though seemingly wait causes massive problems, the url changes to show i have waited, but then when i check it is still slumped down, and the wait seemingly has no effect.


is it possible that you can have the same action two or three times in a row?



Edit: again i tried it and wait seemingly does not work, does anyone else have this problem?


Another Edit: does checking slightly too early ruin all chances of completing without a restart? also, allowing the page to fully load and waiting 1 or 2 seconds seems to make things run smoother


Clear your cookies. After following this the first time, I got it. Don't stress, just make sure you're clicking at the exact time. eg. 11.00.00 hours "Check on your Vaeolus" , 11.00.10 hours "Feed", 11.01.00 "Check on ..." , 11.01.10 hours "Bandage"


"Another Edit: does checking slightly too early ruin all chances of completing without a restart? also, allowing the page to fully load and waiting 1 or 2 seconds seems to make things run smoother"


You must be exact. You must check at exactly the same time each minute. It is doing this above, which will mess it up for you.


It didn't work for me :(


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  • 2 weeks later...
:D Yey! I'm so excited, my brother and I just found the perfect method to Healing the Vaeolus on the Neopets Altador Plot :D


We were both trying to heal the Vaeolus Petpet for over and over for just over 5 Hours before we found the correct method! Then finally we worked something out and got it on our first try of that method! It was so lucky because we were about to try to get someone else to heal it for us somehow.


:D ^_^ So here is the exact method on how to complete the Healing the Vaeolus Petpet task.... :)


-Make sure you know which action goes to which pose the Vaeolus Petpet is doing...

You can click http://www.thedailyneopets.com/altador-plot/vaeolus/ to see a good picture table to learn the actions.


- Then, when you've learnt the actions/poses; Go to the Archivists Room...

Note: You will have to use the neopets time/clock on the top right hand of the neopets page.

- Wait untill exactly on the minute(For example 5:32:00pm), then 'on the minute' click on the Vaeolus Petpet in the Archisits room.

- Then when the page refreshes and you're at the task screen and the petpet is doing a pose Click on the relating Action.

Note: do not click "check in on the Vaeolus" when you first enter the petpet task page

- Then wait one minute, and on 5 seconds past the minute(for example 5:33:05pm) Click "Check in on the Vaeolus" then quickly click on the related action to the pose the petpet is doing. (it's important to chose the correct action)

Note: It doesn't matter at all if you get 2 or 3 or whatever same actions in a row! So if you get "Feed", then "Wait", then "Wait" again, and then "Wait" again, then "bandage".etc...this is totally fine)

- Then wait a minute, and on 10 seconds past the minute(for example 5:33:10) Click on "Check in on the Vaeolus" then quickly click on the related action to the pose the petpet is going.

-Then repeat... clicking on "Check in on the Vaeolus" at 15 seconds past, 20seconds past, 25 seconds past, 30 seconds past, 35 seconds past, 40 seconds past, 45 seconds past, and finally 50 seconds past....And this time the petpet will be healed and a Skeith will come on screen and will present you with a certificate. Task is complete! :king:


:D And then you're done! yay! This method worked on the first time for me and my brother. So good luck.



Are you still a little unsure?...If you want some more explaining on the timing, here it is...

- Here is an example of I did during the "Healing the Vaeolus Petpet" task....


- Start off in the Archivists room...

- 5:32:00pm =Click on the Vaeolus Petpet in the room,

Now you're in the task page, Click on the action relating to the pose the petpets doing...

- 5:33:05pm =Click on "Check in on the Vaelous", and then quickly Click on the related action...either "Feed" or "Wait" or "Bandage" or "Give Medicine"

- 5:34:10pm =Click on "Check in on the Vaelous", and then quickly Click on the related action

- 5:35:15pm =Click on "Check in on the Vaelous", and then quickly Click on the related action

- 5:36:20pm =Click on "Check in on the Vaelous", and then quickly Click on the related action

- 5:37:25pm =Click on "Check in on the Vaelous", and then quickly Click on the related action

- 5:38:30pm =Click on "Check in on the Vaelous", and then quickly Click on the related action

- 5:39:35pm =Click on "Check in on the Vaelous", and then quickly Click on the related action

- 5:40:40pm =Click on "Check in on the Vaelous", and then quickly Click on the related action

- 5:41:45pm =Click on "Check in on the Vaelous", and then quickly Click on the related action

- 5:42:50pm =Click on "Check in on the Vaelous", and then quickly Click on the related action ...And this time the petpet will be healed and a Skeith will come on screen and will present you with a certificate. Task is complete.


NOTE: .... It helps to use a pen and paper to help during the task...

write this down before you start..

00 secs =

05 secs =

10 secs =

15 secs =

20 secs =

25 secs =

30 secs =

40 secs =

45 secs =

50 secs =


-then when you comple the action after the correct time you can tick it off.


Best of luck! Thanks for reading , Have fun! :D


I still can't seem to do it. There must be something wrong with me :crying: Nah, I think there is too much of a delay on my computer with refreshing. I don't know what to do now...

  • 3 weeks later...

THANK YOU SOOOOO MUCH! I CAN'T EXPRESS MY GRATITUDE TO YOU! I have been trying for almost 5 hours yesterday and i gave up. And today, I saw your post here and tried ONCE only and I finally saw the skeith! Thank you so much for sharing. Didn't know what to do without you! :graduated:


:evo: oh my gosh it works like a charm! I thought I would be doing it forever, until I read this!


hi, I know this is my second post, but I was skeptical of this method, and on one of them I was off by a few seconds, but it worked the first time! Im so happy! :evo:

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